This Chess Piece Moves Multiple Times in the Same Turn! – Ouroboros King

Ouroboros King Part 2 – this game is more repayable than people expected. There’s a choose your own difficulty setting that I will certainly be using to improve my play, and there’s also the ability to draft your starting team. All the while, I’m checking out cool new chess pieces like the blade dancer. It’s crazy strong, but will it be enough to beat difficulty 9?
Edited by: Dan White

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%1$ Comments222

    Im gonna have to give it to Azalea here. I just prefer the rpg mechanics of TTYD amd the original. Probably why I like the Mario and Luigi series too-

    Still don’t know why the hell it’s appears as CACLdressing on my profile wth

    is the players character just magnus carlsen????

    Watching you say "that's a good defense" with enemy pieces completely hanging only to check and allow a much better defense that you attack anyway just for the hell of being closer to stalemate multiple times in the first 5 minutes, has got to be the most frustrating chess experience since Frank was 200 elo

    Backstabing knife so that princess become queen

    Try Relic: Royal Pin with a piece: Blade Dancer if you want to you can use Bishop / Rook in a bootle and it wins you a round in 1 move

    There's a new update with new relics and upgraded pieces

    At 13:11 I think you could have won by blowing up the bomb because the king was near it and you could blow it up

    I suggest trying blade dancer with the king's seal

    8:04 he couldve just gotten an instant-win with the Blade Dancer cuz of that portal there.
    Bishop, Agent X and King dead in 1 move.

    Please can you make time marks (or whatever it's called) for bosses.

    10:12 "The Blade Dancer is cracked."

    Get Wrecking Ball and the Shovel, and that leads to a game-winning combo.

    The Blade Dancer looks a lot like the virus from the Alan Becker shorts

    You could have used a rook in a bottle on an assassin

    then it's not chess! this is not chess, wtf is this shite.

    this is like when that one classmate adds extra rules to tag so he gets and advantage

    this looks like if inscryption was a chess game

    "double check b-"

    If there’s a moderator here you could add the pelican who eats or reposition pieces

    (Giving you some options to use )

    i like the game but the ai just checks you every level i havent been able to get to level 3 because i get checked and then it never stops and im not getting stalemate option after level 2

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