This Chess Piece Moves Multiple Times in the Same Turn! – Ouroboros King

Ouroboros King Part 2 – this game is more repayable than people expected. There’s a choose your own difficulty setting that I will certainly be using to improve my play, and there’s also the ability to draft your starting team. All the while, I’m checking out cool new chess pieces like the blade dancer. It’s crazy strong, but will it be enough to beat difficulty 9?
Edited by: Dan White

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%1$ Comments222

    day 122 of asking Tyler to play deltarune

    It seems every move you lose 4 gold that is rewarded at the end of the battle (starts at 200 in top left, beside the paper), whether this is a take, check, the OPPONENT moving etc. so unless a check mate doesn’t decrease this number you can never get 200 gold from a single battle. But this also means you are rewarded for fast checks mates/conclusions and so sacrificing for a lower move count is encouraged more, dunno if everyone noticed this but it is a nice feature

    Imagine an assassin which moved near the enemy with rook potion.would have been an absolute slaughter fest

    I’ve been preaching this 😂 Tyler is the smartest person alive bro I’ve been saying this since he played “the watcher” idk whatever that game with the puzzles is called

    thank the gods Tyler knows what he is doing and realizes the Blade Dancer is completely unbalanced. I first got to now this game through Sifd and in the first video he was like "Blade Dancer seems bad, I don't wanna recruit it". OH C'MON. I was screaming at the screen.

    This is such a cool game, wonder if a blade dancer attacking bombs counts as a kill, so if you become immune to bombs you could use them as extensions for your killing spree lol

    I have an insane idea of making this a physical board game
    3d printed chips with the character designs, the two sides being upgraded and upgraded. Use pulling out of a bag to do random draws, and have a booklet of how pieces move to make sure theres no cheating. (Coins will be difficult to track though, idk fully how they are used)

    This game is really fun. Once you get more used to the game, I'd love to see you take a stab at a personal challenge: try winning every fight like you would normal chess, with a checkmate. And if that's not possible, a stalemate.

    Tyler shoving his rook in the corner hurts me. Rooks are so good! The only reason they don't dominate regular chess is their horrible starting position, and you just copied that without thinking.

    The ai needs an upgrade
    Or a difficulty modifier

    "i really need to look at the enemy relics before starting"

    proceeds to just not

    Love this game!
    Super cool concept, very similar gameplay to Peglin but more logical 🤌

    God i love your editors little jokes and how it makes everything more understandable its great 🙂

    So, how'd you react if some royal mf-er with a shotgun showed up and started blasting your pieces away?

    Better enjoy Blade Dancer for now. I expect it to get nerfed pretty soon.

    I noticed a glitch in the game at the end when tyler used the item that protects a peice for one turn (don’t know it’s name) and then tyler used rewind the item disappeared when it’s supposed to come back

    8:00 he could’ve won instantly using the Blade Dancer. It can go through the portal to kill an Agent X and then jump from that to another agent and then to the king.

    I want this on mobile, would be an incredible train and plane game

    What's the name of the studio that made this game? Their art looks really familiar.

    Having blade dancers becomes a game of the enemy fucking safety in numbers becoming a liability.

    Out of curiosity, does anyone know where to get this game? I could only find the demo on Steam, which only goes up to the first world.

    from the little bit I've seen of this game, the blade dancer is absolutely OP

    I like listening to this series as a podcast and I'm just imagining these epic battles in my head like a movie

    The pegasus rider moving across the board in a single turn looks absolutely absurd for normal chess enjoyers

    I just got the game and quickly worked my way up to 30. After a few runs I noticed that the blade dancer and rook in the bottle seem to be the strongest things in the game right now. Dancer is practically an auto win if you can find any sort of fork and rook in a bottle is OP simply because the AI doesn't account for it, giving you free wins in otherwise losing games.

    Omg this game looks sp good!! I wishlisted it and can't wait for the 23ed when it's out!

    so he didn't think of putting blade dancer in front and then using a rook in a bottle to instantly take a piece?

    This definitely seems like one of the more interesting rougelites that exist at the moment

    Sadly many rougelites that released more recently are quite uninspired, so I do hope this game will manage to be more than a "play it for a week and forget about it" game

    Blade dancer is actually my favourite piece 😀

    compass is secretly op right? cant you go to all the missed spots?

    blade dancer is a downgrade for assassin, theres a cheese strat ive done many times in this game
    1. pick up assassin
    2. waste your money and all bottled pieces you can find
    3. place assassin in the starting row, but not immediately adjacent to the king (prevents initial pins)
    4. use pieces in a bottle to kill any unit
    5. make your way to the king and ez win

    Didn't expect for Tyler to play Assassin's Creed on a chess board.

    Personally, I like Shotgun King more, but if you're having fun, don't let me stop you. Still good to me.

    Day 169 of asking Tyler to keep pegging for his loyal fans

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