This is devastating.

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%1$ Comments216

    I love watching Eline play it's always so disappointing when it doesn't pay off :/

    Warmerdam is excellent pronunciation. It's a w like in English, but the point is the vowels are correct 🙂

    @14:37 lol Levy imitating some smartass nerds who they think they know better! 🤓

    ian doesn't spend 25 minutes on Anything you say?

    Very big props to Mendoca for drawing against Stockfish, even if it's the 2nd best moves that are chosen from time to time.

    I can undetstand your personal hating, Gotham. But please put some more effort in covering Hans Niemann games. There was an interesting setup which deserved more attention to me. You skipped all the initial moves bro and talked instead 'bout the portugues origins of the guy that…who cares!? For the rest, I always support you. From Italy, also demanding your book's translation in my language! Hehe. Love

    It's so disrespectful to Nepo not putting his country flag while Israel commiting genocide 10k children dead and not a care kn the world.

    If it is portuguese, then the c is a ç, and its read as mendonssa

    Yes, at 14:24 you´re pronouning "Max Warmerdam" brilliantly. I am Czech, but I speak Dutch. Keep on keeping on 🙂

    Ding proving ring rust is a thing. Needs to give Dominic Cruz a call and maybe we will see a huge turn around

    Always appreciate your content and the work you do Levy! Keep it up

    Just a tip, if you want to pronounce Mendonça try to read like Mendonsa. S sound. I'm Brazilian but the name is Portuguese origem.

    I think it is a v. I don't speak Dutch, but I know a bit of German.

    I wonder wether the next world champion will be Ian or Caruana

    no shaming, but I giggle every time Levy says “Mendonka” lol. the cedilla under “c” means it’s pronounced as an “s”: Mendonsa. just saying it because i know you appreciate pronouncing names correctly!

    great vid as always!

    Levy never fails to change the title 2 hours after posting a video

    You often say that The Queen's Gambit brought people to chess and to your channel too, I wanted you to know that I found your contents during Ian vs Ding world champion match and since then I never missed a video.
    Great work man, and great book too, at least for now I haven't finished it yet 💪😜

    I wanna say that I really like how you actually take effort and put work into pronouncing names correctly unlike any other US YouTubers who just goes "sorry, couldn't even be bothered to check".

    Even if the pronunciation isn't perfect all the time it's greatly appreciated.

    Maybe instead of showing all of hans’ games because of guilt or something sometis show anish giri? I mean enough with Niemann games he plays in challangers

    Buen contenido, ademas de mi pasion por el ajedrez puedo aprender mas ingles ya que "entiendo" bien (la mayor parte) de tu pronunciation.

    If this comment gets 10k likes I will try to get pin of shame

    LOL your first change in the pronunciation of Warmerdam was actually correcter than your usual one! the warmer part is correct, but dam would be pronounced with an [a] in fonetics

    Some time my game sacrifice network 😂😂😂

    Nodirbek is best player of the decade

    Big shoutout for pronouncing foreign names the way they are supposed to sound! Warmerdam is exactly right btw

    You need patreon! Watch your videos daily in bed before sleeping 🥰

    Daniel Dardha – his last name is Albanian word for pear. love it!

    Mad Max playing 2425 chess after leaving his prep again?

    Mendonca bornt in Goa an ex-colony of Portugal in actual India. The Mendonca surname is a variation from the portuguese/spanish surname Mendonça.

    The continental Germanic speakers do indeed say v instead of w.

    What is devastating? What is it GothamChess? What is it that is devastating? I must know it, please tell me.

    1:11 Noob question here, why does no one (with black) ever takes the pawn on e4 with the knight after white castles? I really don't get it, can someone explain why that might be bad for black and why they always play the bishop instead? Thanks in advance!

    5:37 – instead of Be6, isn't Nxg4 better? If hxg4, then Bxg4 and the horse gets pinned.


    Levy is 4.30 here in india since I watch u after I wake up 😂 Good morning fokssss❤

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