This Man is 10,000,000 Chess Elo

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%1$ Comments161

    Gotham, there is a dude called Ovi_CM they plays like a GM. Can you make a video about them?

    I was never a fan of Tyler1 but I`m happy for him he found something he is that passionate about. That guy seemingly is obsessed with chess now.

    Those pillows looking crooked af for a made bed Levy

    "stockfish is a scumbag" lol. makes sense

    It really is amazing, I actually really respect the effort. If you are serious about improving at something, you should give it your all. And he DEFINITELY is.

    I've watched tyler for a while. Dude is a force of nature. If the dude decides he wants to be good at something he will eventually get it. Even if it takes thousands and thousands of hours.

    Oh boy hes being held hostage again. Possibly by Tyler…

    Thanks for posting daily content, it is amazing

    You are the best commentator, you bring passion and spirit into chess which I find boring, but you can make it seem like an epic battle. ❤

    So we're not talking about that ceiling full of mold?

    Anyone else catch Levy and Lucy on kitchen nightmares. One of the best crossovers I’ve ever witnessed

    i cant play ches bicos oponents again me cheating ol the time!!!!

    Does this guy not know of the word "plateau" ? I just cannot believe how he was able to get to 1250 ELO in two months ?! What the heck ? And he is not slowing down ?
    It took me 2 years to get to 1550 in rapid. Am I a snail ?

    It’s nice of levy not stealing an easy 10k from Tyler

    i will admit i would had taken the second palm instead of move the knight

    The hotel bed being made was a crazy real statement

    Man Ive been playing actively for like a year now and I just hit 1500 2 months for 1200 is nuts

    Hopefully he gasses out at this elo. He plays only the cow opening for most of his games. When he starts playing higher level players and different and strange openings, he will flatline

    Just used the opening Tyler1 uses, not sure if I did it right but it went well

    1. e4 e6 2. f4 d6 3. Nf3 Nd7 4. d4 Ne7 5. c4 Nb6 6. Nc3 Ng6 7. Bd3 Bd7 8. O-O
    Be7 9. Re1 O-O 10. h3 f5 11. e5 dxe5 12. fxe5 Bc6 13. Ng5 Bxg5 14. Bxg5 Qxg5 15.
    Nb5 Qxg2# 0-1

    Only rated 950ish

    shit tyler is catching up to me i need to quit my job and start grinding chess again

    Man PLEASE turn the compression down on your travel mic, it's so aggressive it's almost unlistenable and it's such a simple fix

    You crack me up, even on this video I don't know if you're being serious or not!

    One thing i love is that some games, T1, actually goes through the game review and "corrects" his mistakes, I dont know how far he will make it in Chess Rating wise but wow is it fun

    Tyler vs Frank would be a massive match

    Hes using engine for some moves and making slight innacuracies. Proof he only plays rapids and guess what literally every move for even a basic trade took 9 sec

    Hes using engine for some moves and making slight innacuracies. Proof he only plays rapids and guess what literally every move for even a basic trade took 9 sec

    Nice Mario analogy, now I understand everything

    for the Qxh5 situation even as a 1700 I would probably still take the pawn because I would know that it's winning anyway, so i just won't put thought into it and autopilot.

    This isn't special. He's literally spending 12+ hrs a day playing chess. A majority of people would achieve this same rating if they spam played like tyler1.

    😂😂😂gotham must be dumb. Hes only playing rapid so he's probably using engine 😂😂😂😂

    I would've ate another pawn like pac-man

    I became 1400 elo without reaching 100 matches in rapid

    love the tyler1 content haha, never even knew who this guy was before but im rooting for him now

    Last opponent 100% abandoned without resigning

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