This Smart Chess Board Will Blow Your Mind!
This is a smart chessboard aka the Square Off Grand Kingdom chess board and in this really cool chessboard, the pieces move automatically. It’s one of the coolest gadgets we have tested.
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Link to smart chessboard:
The magnet is doing a great job 😂
What if you move a illegal move
Harry Potter 😮😮
28 lakh ka chess board lunga gadi naa lelu bc 😂
I need this
Magnus send his regards
best movie clip should be from x man wher mangneto try to make a move
What's even cooler is it's just 49k💀
I vant it
We can't afford it
WOW!!! Thank you so very much for sharing such amazing piece of invention.
This is insane😮
his eyes see full 180 degree lol
Naa I want it to make the knight move first. Lmk how it jumps
Beebom never disappoint to disappoint us
The name of this vedio should have been automatically 😂😂
If a board can be controlled directly
Controlled indirectly
Is this smart?
It's just 50,00,000/- only 😂😂 50lac ko Mera poora life set ho jathe Bhai😅😅😅
How will the horse move in the beginning if the pawns are blocking it's way??
What happen when something come in way of knight
I don't see the product anymore
rather buy a nice car for this cost
41 lakh rupeeee ,wtf brrrrrrrrrrrrrorororororoororororrororor
Finally 😮 Ghost 👻 GPT
Ok people forget thay…have…HANDS .please for gods sake use it
😮i gotta have one of these
Alternate title: “ How to play chess without friends!
Its 49k $, you should buy PS5 for 50k inr instead 🥴
How will the knight be jumps!? If it had no route
In future the creepier things becomes the new normal
Jitne der me se reset hoga utni der me mai apne aap 10 bar reset kar lunga 🤣
Bruh tech not only replacing humans….it's replacing ex-humans too
$49k wtf
Only 41 lakh INR very cheap ✨✨✨
When you don't have another player
man has become so lazy
Holy hell
This guy put ghosts in recession 😂
You know we have something called virtual chess
For the low low price of £450
I have this board at home, it's great because it has many more features that are not mentioned
Not very pleasing when the knight doesn't teleport
It's a good thing for those who don't no how to play chess including me 😅, bcoz it's easy to cheat with AI .
I dint need the automatic chess board i can just set my pieces faster and move the chess pieces faster than the automatic so yeah thats why i dont need the automatic chess board.
Then the purpose chess game🙄
try playing blitz or bullet with it