This Smart Chess Board Will Blow Your Mind!

This is a smart chessboard aka the Square Off Grand Kingdom chess board and in this really cool chessboard, the pieces move automatically. It’s one of the coolest gadgets we have tested.

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%1$ Comments896

    How would a piece stuck between 4 sides would move?

    What dose a knight do when it is trapped between piceses

    Pov: the phone is dead and still the pieces are moving
    Me: oh.. shit just got serious! 😂

    You can also play worldwide with other people who have the board

    epic stuff but probably the price of a car

    I'm wondering how this chess board will move the knight first without moving the pawn🤔…Will it fly…🥴

    To ppl think that it’s 50000 usd no it is 50000INR which is about 600 usd which is a fair price in my opinion.

    Need something move them eyes back too the middle automatically!!

    No thanks m okay with playstore chess game🙏

    is it possible to change the chess pieces with other kind chess pieces with magnet?

    When you play with this board after playing ouja 😂😂

    This kind of tech makes human even more lazier.

    How the knight going to be jumping over pieces😅

    Bro can see 2 chess boards at the same time 💀

    Very nice dude…. But why can't you use your hands……to play 🤔😅

    My only question is, how does the knight develop?

    I wanna know how it's going to promote all of its pawns to Queens

    Not suitable for online blitz or bullet where every second counts. Otherwise it is superb!

    How to move a knight if the surrounding square are occupied and there's no way other than jumping?

    Wow and how will knight gonna make a move ? If there is a pawn in front 😜 it will automatically jump or you wait for the movement 😅

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