Today, Chess History Was Made.

This is recap of my round 1 in Reykjavik open! I was facing GM Platon Galperin (rated 2555) with the black pieces, and he instantly surpised me. Hope you enjoy!!

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#annacramling #chess #tournament

%1$ Comments212

    He was flirting with her, wasn’t he?

    I could see in 5 seconds the whole line of attack against white's king was not going to work – one doesn't go from an opening to an endgame against a grandmaster by bypassing an arduous middle game where minor pieces are fought for tooth and nail – it's a huge tactical no-no – going for the juggler by attacking a castled king too early in the game is going to fail nine times out of ten against any good opponent

    Of course, the Ides of March defense. Standard 😏

    Obviously he had a sad expression because he couldn’t figure out how to ask her out.

    By loosing against the cow you have won more than if you would have defeated this grandmaster with his cow opening.

    How to pick up a chess WFM 101? Play her opening against her.

    Yor created the opening, now you need to figure out how to Cownter it

    Honestly kinda crazy to get paired against a GM in round one, but you put on a good show anyways! Good luck in round 2 😀

    For anyone who still credits this 'opening' to Anna, this is a well-known Pafu defense strategy that was published in 2002. Anna just renamed it and used her platform to make herself known as the inventor. Hope she stops pretedning it belongs to her in a near future

    Every lost game is a chance for a learning experience.

    Anna – I think that Bobby Fischer's spirit is aiding you somehow… In a good way…

    So sorry for your getting tripped up, dear AC. Really kool though that your Cow Opening saw it's first high level debut. Better luck from here forward I pray🙏

    When he played the cow opening I almost fainted. I laughed so hard ahahaha. Made my day

    Can you hide the 1/1 and 0/1 because it’s a spoiler

    Tell him he has to play it all tournament now, prove what it can do 😀

    Your tenacity as a chess player is amazing! It’s always a pleasure to watch your moves and hear your analysis and thoughts

    the dude is a legend for doing this. epic levels of respect from him

    Platon probably just looked uncomfortable because he needed to go to the toilet.

    Será que su madre cambiará de idea ahora con respecto a la vaca?

    Sure something live has it's own energy…but I think I will wait till you do your review the next day. For one thing we actually get to hear your thoughts and strategy and not your mother's. Yesterday's coverage wasn't great in my opinion – the screen board was far too small; the moves came up far too long after they had been made; it got very confusing when Pia was demonstrating a possible move then an actual one was made and she didn't see it right away; and did you know your clock just kept counting down all the time even after you had moved?

    A very nice young man. I wish him well.

    He knew cow oppening much more than you. Some people are really intresting

    ROTFLs at 5:49 when Anna says (cow opening) "Theory" with her fingers simulating quotation marks. OMG, so funny. Anna, your humor is adorable. 🤣

    It’s an advantage to use the cow opening against Anna. Every time this happens she gets flustered. Also she has not seriously worked on theory to fight it. This opening she created is her own Achilles heel.

    I love how chess makes you appreciate time. respect to both players and the chess community and well deserved

    Great, u can have a something to work on the cow opening and also countering of cow opening

    i wonder
    is the following question is
    already answered…
    it goes like this
    you set up you computer
    chess board on a tall table
    and with a walking pad treadmill;
    and you practice while standing up walking
    while thinking lines as you play
    the computer…
    or would that be too dangerous to do so?

    Of course he played the Cow…twenty year old guy is in love.

    Thank you Anna, for taking us along on this tournament. The videos are great, any wins are but a bonus. Would like to see some more of the city.

    Anna turning bullish against the cow 🐂

    Annas preparation was trampled over by the cow xD

    It would be so funny if after this game, every opponent that Anna would face through the tournament would play the cow opening against her, forcing her to prepare a counter-play and become the ultimate cowgirl.

    Nice way to make Anna feel like it's still a win because of the opening that was played.

    Really great romantic style chess. It might not have worked out but i thought the attack was beautiful nonetheless.

    When you play The Cow vs Anna and win XD

    I don’t see how a GM trolling you with your opening, something he’ll never play against anyone else, is a win. He basically said “I think so little of you I’ll start with your meme opening because I can win regardless”.

    Stop this cow stuff and learn proven approaches and become great, then beat this guy in a rematch.

    The big problem I have with OTB is that I can’t draw lines 😊

    Unironically good opening until people figure out all the theory lines. Anna you quoted “theory” when talking about it but there IS theory on Cow – it just wasn’t discovered or studied yet.

    Anna-Maja is also there. The hypercool Anna's in Iceland. A game of you 2 streamed by Pia would be owerwhelming.

    Maybe he wanted you to win! That's why he was upset during the game 🙂

    Imagine if her second opponent had played the cow defense? That would have really rattled her?

    It was bitter sweet. For future reference, in the opening against the Cow, a strong Queen early is a way to break up the pattern, in conjunction with a central pawn. However, in that case, the Cow player can use knights to try to kick away a queen. Be wary of a scholar's mate. The Cow player should use his queen defensively early against an opposing aggressive queen, too..

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