Today, Chess History Was Made.

This is recap of my round 1 in Reykjavik open! I was facing GM Platon Galperin (rated 2555) with the black pieces, and he instantly surpised me. Hope you enjoy!!

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#annacramling #chess #tournament

%1$ Comments212

    Quite apart from the opening, what an entertaining game! When you said about his friend making the bet with you, I thought then "he's told him that he will play the Cow"! Could you have played Kb8 first and delayed the sacrifice by one move so that the tactics work? Does he have a strong move that consolidates first? I guess Nxe6 and Nf3 are the problem. Shows how hard it is to ensure that every line works after sacrificing lots of material. Anyway your tactics seemed right; lead the Heffalump into the swamp (Simon Webb) and hope he sinks first, rather than being gradually crushed!

    Yeah, you should not let the demeanor or your opponent affect your play. It is just waste. Love the content thou! Best of luck with the tournament!

    wow! congratulations for having to courage to trust your intuition! it didnt work but thats another issue! keep it up!

    I am glad he won, I think he just had the better opening. Cow ftw.

    Platon GIGACHAD! This was really a special day and honestly incredibly wholesome to play the opening Anna came up with.

    How did you come up with the cow opening? Hasn’t chess been around for years and every opening already has a name to it? How did you claim this one?

    What you do for chess is unmatched. This should be inspiring to the entire chess community ❤. I'm no chess player at all but do enjoy these.

    I think it was a smart opening cause it really got you excited

    Unlucky. Once you overlook something it can be hard to see it until it's too late. 🙁
    I know you are trying to not spend too long on moves, so you probably don't need reminded. But maybe have some ways of looking at things that can help

    By always having in your mind: "what if the opponent does a move I didn't consider and I have to think again straight away?" and removing that time from your clock.
    For every minute you spend thinking, remove 1 mins from your current clock.
    This means, if you have 30 mins left on your clock, if you spend more than 15 minutes thinking of your move, then you will be flagged.

    Since it's a psychological effect you are trying to create, and everyone's brain is different, another way to look at it that might work better, is just half the time left you have on your clock at all times. Instead of 90mins, you start the game with 45. Clock says "10 mins" you think "only 5 minutes"

    you can also try something like:
    1. Consider how risky each line you are considering is
    2. Quickly think through the least risky, ensuring that there is no obvious worsening of your position
    3. Then you can spend time on the more risky line.
    4. After 5 mins, if you are still not sure if it works:
    a. consider how risky the line is from what you've learned
    b. consider the difference in advantage if it does work vs. the least risky
    5. If you still think the advantage would be big enough, return to 4 and repeat
    6. After 15 mins you are still not sure if the risky line works, ask yourself: "if you play the less risky line, will you still have chances?"
    7. By this point, you've spent ~20+ minutes, and you are unlikely to learn anything new, and whatever move you make, there is always a chance the opponent does something you weren't expecting, so you should stop calculating and decided which one to play.

    It's obviously pretty simple/obvious, but sometimes having a structure to follow ("Checks, Captures, Threats" for example) takes away some of the uncertainty and decision making you have to do and moves it over to more automatic.

    Not sure if these will help, but sometimes random ideas can spark something 🙂
    Good luck with the rest of the tournament! <3

    Bro played her opening to rizz her up, the outcome of the game was irrelevant to him. This goes beyond grandmaster intelligence.

    Ku(h)dos to both players.
    (not as good as to "err is human, to moo is bovine" – but at least i tried)

    According to Hikaru Nakamura San, "The Cow" opening had actually been played way before it was even named that. So I don't know. I mean, I like you Anna. I think you're funny, you make me laugh. But, seems to me, any Grandmaster can literally play anything and they will most probably beat any player rated lower than them. But anyway, you've made yourself famous for trending this opening in the YouTube scene of the chess industry. So, enjoy the hype while it lasts cuz it never does.

    I hope she realizes the opportunity here. That is, if you're the creator of an opening, you should also be the creator of its defense. So if anyone plays it against you, you know how to smash them. Or, make it difficult. She should take a year off and really hammer out the opening lines as well as a super solid defense.
    The vision should be to see it to completion.
    The fact that others are using it is a signal. Be proud, but be the best at your creation. Imo

    bruv i was playing like this in primary school, before i knew any openings. And all of a sudden 8 months ago someone makes this their oppening. Brain splashh

    I told you this was going to happen, Anna. You created something, now people, GM-type? Are going to develop it and come up with winning strategies for it. It's what they DO. That's why I told you to be ready for this.

    Do you remember WHY you created "The Cow"? For DECEPTION. "TO BREED OVER-CONFIDENCE!" – And that's EXACTLY what he used it for against you…. not to mention getting his name in the history books, lol.

    Can you remove the spoilers please 🙂 ? (the 1/1 and 0/1 under the names)

    He just needs to play h4 to protect his Knight.

    The biggest history made on March 15, since Julius Caesar's last trip to the Senate house.

    "His first move confused me. I thought I knew all opening moves, but I had never seen this one before."

    Almost a brilliant attack Anna, I think your opponent played the Cow opening because he fancies you! And so he should! Thanks for posting and best wishes for today's round! 🙂

    He Made it just to make fun of you…

    Love the aggressive play against someone rated 400+

    I think dude GM PG was wrong to play her opening here. Whatever the intention, I got the impression he was saying the cow is weak, maybe worth -250 elo, but my opponent is weaker, so I will beat her with her own cow.

    For anyone who's never seen it … " Derren Brown vs 9 Chess Players " is a MUST-SEE in which Derren wins or draws with 5 out of 9 simultaneous games against FM's, IM's, GM's and a couple of other top chess players and he beat 2 of the 4 GM's 😉

    Spoiler warning!

    Even tho you lost i see this as a win for the cow!

    GG hard luck . GO ANNA ! Don't forget …….."pin and win " ! We love you !

    Don't show the results next to the analysis board.

    Hahaha dude was having fun and still won, he wouldnt play it if it wasnt you. Classy from the guy. I mean he knows hes better at chess so he could have some fun.

    2:10 You can just barely detect the corners of your mouth turning to a smile.

    When Hikaru explained that a GM played the Cow, my imagination was that it was some old man. Turns out to be a young man. GMs are young these days. Coming to think of it, he made history by being the first to play it on the world stage. And he said that he studied Cow theory alongside an AI engine? … Aha! So that’s what you have to do, and confirming the value of AI over human chess coaches. Computers are now defining chess theory. So, a GM is smart on the board, but a GM is also smart off of the board. Uh oh, everybody knows now 😅

    Another observation: Notice how Anna is focusing on her WINS even though she didn’t technically win. Thats the mindset of a Master/GM 😍😍

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