Today, Chess History Was Made.

This is recap of my round 1 in Reykjavik open! I was facing GM Platon Galperin (rated 2555) with the black pieces, and he instantly surpised me. Hope you enjoy!!

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#annacramling #chess #tournament

%1$ Comments212

    Anna, develop the theory and publish a book on Cow 🙂 It is so wierd that there maybe something to it ;D

    Anna's strategy against The Cow being "I have to channel Mom cuz she hates it so much" is so funny to me 🤣

    This is SO AMAZING 👏 congrats Anna Im filled with joy for your achievement 🙌

    Good luck Anna and I hope you'll reach your goal. 2200 if I'm not mistaken.

    Sending you so much love today Anna. Hugs and kisses💋!

    Merci pour ce partage. Très belle résistance, bon courage pour la suite.

    A strong player, with white and the Cow, don't be sad, Anna, be proud of the Cow!

    Anna might have lost the game but her opening won the war! ❤

    Soooooooo, what have we learned?
    Anna has used the cow opening multitudinous times to great success and occasional failure. However, in the hands of a GM, the cow opening is, to date, undefeated.
    It is a tad humorous, however, that Anna has never taken time to attempt to defeat herself, or rather, her opening.
    Mind you, I haven't played chess in decades, but "war strategy" requires that one anticipates the moves of the enemy.
    What if Anna digs in and discovers the "chess theory" that best propounds AND defeats the cow? Wouldn't that possibly elevate her to GM?
    One more thought, what of Black ignored the opponent, forsook theory, and played The Cow as a defensive strategy?

    Qué grande. Debe ser emocionante sentir que se está construyendo teoría sobre una apertura que creaste. Fue una digna derrota ante un jugador muy fuerte. Sin duda fue una derrota menos amarga que otras. 😃👏👏👏

    He made a genius move by putting you into a position having to refute the cow opening.

    Seeing how happy Anna was when she saw the cow's opening debut in a classical tournament, I can't imagine her reaction when it debuts on a World Championship game

    She was playing the game as he was playing the player.

    ngl basing your whole personality and story on that cow opening is getting tiresome and annoying. at this point we understood you invented it, just get over with it

    Anna, I always enjoy the detail of your match recaps. On the game with GM Platon, I guess a strength of the cow is because it's such a slow opening that most of his pieces were still in the back to defend when you tried your attacks. Pia mentioned several times if only your King was on a dark square to avoid that white bishop of his. Hats off to you opponent for playing the full cow and not just a few of the opening moves. Good luck on your remaining matches! (By the way, beautiful video recap with you and all the chess boards and tables behind you).

    Its not "history made". Its a stupid opening. And Platon Galperin didn't even have to use his rooks to cream her. He didn't even break a sweat, he toyed with her. Lets put a Lamborghini in a race with a Ford Taurus and see what happens.

    May good fortune smile upon you as you take on this new challenge. 🍀

    Anna has found the answer to 'Life, the Universe and Everything', and that answer is forty two the Cow Opening
    Anna now needs to find the ultimate question defense to the Cow Opening.

    Your Cow Opening?? Beware The Ides of March Anna! 🤣🤗

    Yawn – you got trashed – deal with it and move on…

    You loose but the cow win. You might be half happy.
    It's now 9 am in my place, 8am in Iceland. I wish you luck while you're probably having your tournament breakfast ☕.

    He didn't win because of The Cow, he won because he played better than you. 19:55

    The scenes of this video are beautiful, dark with chessboards all over the place, gg

    Anna, I will invent the Kraal opening. Kraal is an Afrikaans word for an enclosere for livestock, predominantly cattle.

    However, there was a strategy by the Zulu King Shaka called, the buffalo formation, and I believe with an extended strategy called the buffalo horns. It conquered the Brits.

    Long story short, some internal conflict, Shaka was killed by his brother Dingane, and their methods going forward couldn't defeat guns.

    Moral of the story, the Cow opening is great, BUT, someone might come with the gun opening.

    That's the Opera, isn't it? Love and miss the place, Iceland in general!

    Yeah, the Cow Opening is a formidable weapon!

    I love how ana pronounces crazy like "crasy" 😂

    Anna Anna Anna, this is a less in self confidence. You needed to not play like your mother but play like yourself. He used The Cow to sucker you in and over extend they beat you on tactics. That is exactly the concept you invented.

    Hi anna do you think that caw oppening can win against Podrzaj defense

    ….wait until Magnus plays it to troll a 'weak' GM…..

    This man putting in the effort to study cow theory with an engine is a sign of respect for Anna. Awesome!

    On the Ides of March not only Caesar was stabbed in the Senate, but Anna was opposed with her own Cow Opening – 2067 years later.

    At least your Cow theory is undefeated even if you were. 🙂 Good luck for tomorrow.

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