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%1$ Comments315

    I bet you guys try all night to think of something funny to say huh?

    It looks like TORCH main objective is to win with Check Mate not to gain more opponents pieces, even rather use this against opponent- let them dismantle defense or move king where they are out of TORCH way by tempting them with scoring points, but not position.

    Pretty sure that on the rematch with changed colours SF won again. Torch is not able to win a pair, only to draw it. But he would defeat Mittens XD.

    @gothamchess, dude, Stockfish gave 300 to 200 last week. Our dude wins with white and draws with black the same opening infinite amount of time, torch manages it like ten times at most only.
    The true thing to say is that it’s Stockfish who actually crushed Torch, this is just an exception.. and it’s misleading.

    i think that the promotion to a knight is better because the king has less reason to take it and then it is possible that he doesnt which means that white has more pieces on the board that can help in the end of the game

    As someone named Martin, I relate to Martin 😞

    Wow, awesome content and I wanna see more of this!!

    The absolute BM of promoting into a knight lmao

    28:40 I love how BrowserFish saw Ke5 and went “Why woul—oh I mean yes, that’s EXACTLY what I saw!” with the eval bar 😂

    Torch is slowly starting to overtake AlphaZero as my favorite bot. That double rook sac was INSANE.

    "torch has been on fire" thats kind of what its supposed to do, dumdum

    The french defense: exists
    Chess engines:

    After fire destroy water, next bot gonna be aircon or fan.

    When did Levy staring in the beginning of a video start becoming a meme (and Levy therefore doing it intentionally)? Like I swear a year back it was not like that.

    I'm dutch and even I can't pronounce Rofchade!

    The thumbnail looks AI generated but good vid overall

    The thumbnail looks AI generated but good vid overall

    Chatgpt is going to take revenge for his brother, stockfish.

    ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED!? Umm, yeah I'm .. uh very entertained. tyvm

    Torch vs stockfish be like mikhail tal vs garry kasparov

    Use more of those piece emojis on certain moves.

    Levy, we’ve had way too many high quality games recently. I think its time for some guess the elo or how to lose at chess!

    After buying your book can I defeat stockfish??

    "Torch has been on fire" – Levy, 2023

    Missed opportunity to say “Stockfisch got torchtured“

    Nd4 and the double rook sac are so disgusting

    So whos the world best chess ai ?? Torch or stockfish??

    Just realised this is effectively a really detailed bug report for Stockfish. Although must be hard for the devs to benefit from it since it's hard to figure out what the engine did wrong if you're a mere human.

    I love that each bot has a different personality. Lc0 is fiery and aggressive, Stockfish is like a sensei, and Torch is the cocky newcomer that wants to show pops what it's made of.

    so, you said that in these bot matches, a human tells them what opening they play.. my question is usually how many moves is that? is it only the first 2 moves and then the bots are on their own or is it usually more than that?

    I instantly felt 5000% dumber after watching this

    6:00 I love when these engines make a move so brilliant it literally looks like something a 100 would play lol

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