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%1$ Comments315

    After reading Levy's book I was able to play like Torch, for my first move. Then I went back to play like Martin.

    Let Torch play black against Stockfish. If it won again, then I am convinced that Torch is superior

    I know it's probably not available yet, but it'd be really cool to see eval bars from both AIs during these games — the times when one AI is confident in its advantage but the other AI hasn't sensed danger yet would be really interesting.

    I like the fact that engines play the game to the end. They don't give up like humans do. Big respect.

    Seems like Levy wants to fist fight

    After exf6 Nh4 | bxc6, why does Stockfish play Rxc6 instead of Qxc6? In my tiny human brain, the threat of … Qxg2 checkmate outweighs any discovered attack when the c3 knight moves (plus, in a lot of line, the revealed attack from the rook fails due to back rank issues). Is it just that Qb2 is solid enough to lock everything down?

    At 10:41 when you were saying how that specific opening is like us we play chess I completely understand and that shit made me laugh my ass off thank you for being awesome commentator and a awesome chess player thank you for the good content

    That endgame taught me something. Torch made his rook, bishop, and pawn into an equal material against the queen, and made it so the queen had no way in. Just wow.

    Wait a moment, just 4 games? No opposite color game against the same bot? Why?

    14:02 I kept calling it, 3 lines ago. It's my usual problem: I can find the move, I can't find the lines to get to it. 😢

    Please make a video of hippotamus opening or defense sir gotham

    That Leela game made me feel like a gm, because I played a game where I gambitted both rooks in order to get the Queen on an isolated square while I attacked the King, and won off that attack.

    This may be your best computer v computer video. Those are great games.

    Years ago I played a bunch of games against computers and with computers to learn and the key thing I saw was that the top computers were always better in the late middle-games where calculating long variations was critical.

    They always found better lines in that part of the game. Sometimes they even got outplayed in the opening or early middle-game, but the late middle- and early endgame were a huge advantage. That's what Torch is doing. It's destroying that part of the game.

    The one where Torch said +- and Stockfish said += was the big indicator of where things are going.

    What happened to the Google's mind which was just crushing everything and then it moved on to solve bigger problems in the world than chess?

    bruhhh how you not gonna challenge Hans the cheater Niemann, who obviously was using stockfish to cheat, to a match with this new version of torch and make an absolute fool of him. he would be absolutely flabbergasted.. . welppp we're just gonna need to create an even better engine and challenge this fool.

    23:12 "It doesn't need a second queen, it knows how to checkmate" I feel attacked!

    The reason why stockfish lost to Torch is that computers can really struggle with black because white gets to attack black first and black just possiably defend all the attacks coming from white especially with computers as a side track, stockfish wont win all the games it just win the most games with other bots or humans.

    "Torch crushes stockfish", Levy I'm disappointed you didn't find "torch torches stockfish"… What a blunder

    Bro I swear to god I admire you so much, your videos are always so fun to watch, it's literally a ritual for me right now.

    Damn, that is a really good spanish, it does not sound force or anything. If that is the only frase that you know, you should considere actually learn spanish. It could sound very natural with time.

    "No, the idea is Nhulululululu." I just love it when Levy's reactions to GTE/How to Lose at Chess stupidity make their way into videos about the top chess computers. (5:55)

    BTW, about Levy explaining Nd4 (13:50, also 14:44), didn't he cover Greek Gift (what Bh7 is) in other videos? So, it's not like that move is a foreign concept, even if the specific path of getting there was inhuman.

    I love all the combat sports references. For whatever reasons, chess and mma seem to be the most true sports.

    Judo is part of mma and the idea of leaning into the attack to change moment is perfect.

    Levy should make a video where torch faces off other strong bots only with black

    Is the book available in Italy?😄

    토치 ㅈㄴ 예술적이다 ㄷㄷ 백으로 싸운 거긴 하지만 그래도 스톡피쉬를 이기네

    This is art! Insane tactics!

    As a bot that has been cheating for 7 months and lost agnaist stockfish i feel like torch might uo the standard.

    I love how levy dosent even acknowledge the pun whenever he says, "torch has been on fire"

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