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%1$ Comments315

    If the torch team didnt celebrate with cooked fish id be disappointed

    two queen promotions in a super high elo bot game is crazy to think about, that's what you'd expect a GM to do to an amateur.

    bot games are insane I love them thank u for reviewing them for us simpletons

    Let me get an interview Gotham! I’m the perfect candidate for the Operations Manager position, just give me the opportunity.

    Everyone gangsta till the King starts walking

    Great argument however final score is 640 to 360 in stockfishes favor

    This is Magnus vs Praagnanaandah in ai form

    Pairing Worstfish with Martin would be awesome honestly

    23:13 “Doesn’t need a second queen it know how to checkmate” is personal

    Is there anyway the games are influenced by the fact that Torch is playing white and has a slight advantage in the beginning ?

    Im dutch
    Idfk what rofchade is, and im not sure on the pronounciation. But i think levi nailed it on the first time.

    "Torch has been ON FIRE!!!" Has to be the most obvious, yet the most exciting revelation in chess lately lol

    your ability to pronounce the dutch G continues to impress me. Even understanding that "CH"is often pronounced as "G" is very impressive,

    Is torch self-learning like alphazero?

    Cover the Rapid chess that is happening this week.

    Third game reminds me of one I had recently where I saw a line that also let me sac both rooks to the queen. Took the bait and I mated him in a few more moves 😎

    You asked if we loved Torch videos? I say YES, YES, AND A 1000 YES, do more please ❤

    I don't know if this is possible but I would love to see Alpha zero take on torch!

    19:49 levy saying torch sacrificed the rook confusedly, then hyped it up in the double rook sacrifice lol

    What if torch promoted to a knight because it has the lowest “cost” in points and hence it is less likely to be captured on the next move 🤔😄

    Levy's 1 take away from boxing class is how to not hit himself when they guy is beating on him

    Torch promoted to a knight because it is a better move in that scenario. A queen or rook would force black to take. A knight doesn't force black to take and gives an extremely small possibility of keeping the knight.

    That was incredible. Thx for the video 🎉

    The fact that torch promoted to a knight just for it to be taken is interesting. Was it just some sort of sense of humor or was there a sort of tactic?

    How is there a Best Move to counter attack a Best MOVE ?????????

    "The idea is nlblblblblbl"
    -GothamChess 2023

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