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Well is it available in iran
Who here is watching this masterpiece in 2023?
I think when torch brought bishop to b3 in the first game it wanted to lift the queen up
Very much looking forward to this book
@levi if I want the English book in Spain is it possible?
is it available for australia
bro indian edition
Where did the OP alpha zero went, i dont hear about it anymore
17:58 torch would rather undouble the pawns then take the opponent's right of castling
Games shown only showcases torch winning as white, why isn't there any with black? Chess is not played with only the white pieces.
The GRIMLY levy voice haunts me it haunts me I say to you, you all will suffer.
I like when he says the rook
Dragons bishop was the camera man
Oh wow😂
From the AI videos I've seen from you, it seems like the engines get their advantages not from winning material, but by trapping it. Very interesting and i think players will start to pick up on this idea more intentionally
I'm from future, and I can confirm Levy's channel grow even bigger
8:27 Me when king turnes into George Floyd
I like that bots never surrender comparing to good players knowing they are losing, coz for beginners like me, it's good to see how to mate the opponent! So i will be glad for more bots content personally. And congratulations for the really good start of your book, you deserve it!
For India also levy?
i wonder if it also wins with black against stockfish
BiShOp g1
I think worth mentioning that Botvinnik was playing Ne2, f3, e4 frequently in Carlsbad structures 3:58
He always talks about how the bots play in pairs but rarely shows torch playing as black 🙁 wanna see torch vs stockfish round 2
Is your book available in India?
why is torch always white
I'm I the only one who wants longer videos, I feel sad when the video ends, I swear it's like 2 minutes.. Videos from Gotham chess make me truly happy.
4:50 "Torch just doesn't give a f… It doesn't give an f file." was hilarious. 🤣🤣
lmao the thumbnail meta is W I L D
"He doesn't give an f-file" 😂
Is the book gonna be available in asia also?
Да я просто дунул
23:47 how did the king move to the 6th rank? The rook is guarding that ? Im 600 pls help
I am watching it first time and what da hail you're talking about 🥲
Hello Levy! Is there Russian edition of that book??? Thanks for answer
"So Torch plays F5." That had me rolling 😂
4:46 toch just doesn't give a F…💀
An F file 👀
Is the book in Finnish?
Life kicks you…..
This man : ladies and gentlemen 🥺
I would really like to know the game rating of these matchups
Stockfish been slippin up lately…
I crush bug 🐛😂
is the book available in philippines?
Do you prefer traxler or dark knight?
Why not take g4
Day 1 of requesting gotham to make a video on catalan
Can he beat Goku tho 😂
Is it me or torch just plays white and never plays black?
At this point only thing i want is Torch vs Alphazero