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%1$ Comments180

    Still no content other than milking Magnus, Hikaru and Stockfish

    Love the chess bot battle content. Every game is epic

    Become a grandmaster first, then we will think about ordering your book

    I would order the book, but delivery to my country costs as much as the book :<

    Hey levy it's sub from india, just wanna know if the book will be available in Asia and when? Love your content❤

    Man why did stop making naruto vedios and since when did you started making chess vedios

    @GothamChess when will the book be available in India?

    As a huge binge watcher of Kitchen Knightmares, was freaking out when I saw Levy on the big screen.

    For anyone curious, timestamp 35:27 and 40:40 when youre watching the premier for KN 2023

    We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.

    All your life is a chess and this black bishop is you 😊

    actually i would love if you always point where is a new game in all your videos, is a nice detail… happy to order your book and much appreciation!!

    Torch hasn't beaten Stockfish on a real match 🤧

    The first game, a bishop next to a king in the corner against rooks and knights is actually super hard to play against. Obviously not impossible but it limits the options and you can see the attempts a mile away.

    you should make a single vid only showing games between chat gpt vs torch

    Everywhere then proceeds to leave out the whole of africa 😂

    Will the book also be available in India??!!!!!!!!

    Stockfish sometime has the blindspot of trapped pieces lol

    I don´t know if its available, but it would be awesome to see the evaluations each computer gives after every move, like, why did they make a mistake?, where did they miss a move?

    Forget wannabe chess grandmaster, forget as seen on tv food blogger, mark my words levy will one day be the greatest voice actor known to man.
    4:59 “and bishop to b3”
    5:56 “king to h1”
    6:05 “bishop g1”
    6:29 “bishop h2”

    Okay, so I guess the lesson is to push all your kingside pawns, put your king in the corner and hope for the best.

    Just preordered your book 🙏🏻 I’m excited!

    Is this book available in Asia
    Particularly India

    really love the new voices you are exploring. keep up the great work with the funny voices

    As a 1440 I’ve had this position many times, I always lose when pushing my pawns all in. Oh well, one day……

    It would be awesome to see Alpha Zero VS Torch With Gotham Commentary 🗿

    Your decision to show the evaluation bar requires guts.some channels say t defeats the purpose of the commentary,but for u looks like its working well.

    1:08 no sabia que Levy hablaba español, solo por eso compraré el libro jsjsjs. Ur the best Gotham

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