Typical 800 Elo Chess

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%1$ Comments204

    I’m so mad Galileo won. It’s such an injustice because he barely did any critical thinking during the game. You should lose and get punished when you refuse to try to contemplate what is happening on a chess board.

    People who noticed his sweater change colour 👇

    What kind of psychopath brushes their teeth before their breakfast?

    Levy never said to ''get out of here'', so I'm gonna sit here and wait till the next video is out.

    Picnic Time: If necessary, a fork can used as a skewer. (But that doesn't work in chess!)

    Can you please explain some games from tv or film?

    Mythbusters from the duct tape island

    Ace Ventura when nature calls

    Cube Zero, the guy playing on his own

    Can’t think of any more right now but these would be fun…

    What is this 3 blunder symbol
    New sign for lost game?

    Entertaining content!! I forgot what 800 looked like. Wow. But seriously, thank you!! You rock!! 🎉🎸🎶

    bro is sponsored by every vpn on the market

    I'm rated about 700 elo and play better than these kids

    6:00 this is correct i remember this story in a jeremy silman book section physiological maunderings.

    Hi levy, I'm big fan of your channel but this video is total time waste. There is nothing to learn from these types of basic mistakes.

    Always love the GM logo on these 800 elo players.

    I love how Gotham can play 8 bullet games before he even wakes up.

    A wise man once said: When in doubt just walk the king

    Imagine being so sad that you choosing your profile photo to be the lgbtq flag. 😮

    Who know wojtek from french rap contenders ? What a beast at the time…

    I’m mad you never wear the sleeveless anymore

    The king…….has a bishop up his ass you say….uhmmmmm.

    Anarchychess is coming.

    Wait, isn't it a draw if the time runs out when the opponent has only king cuz technically he could never have won that?

    Video idea, see how fast stockfish could beat worst fish

    Cant wait to watch the next Gotham video on my new computer!
    Gotta toss this one in the fire, brb.

    Yo Gotham your current haircut makes me nostalgic of old videos somehow, is that normal

    "Bishop B4 puts the bishop's head is in the king's butt and it's butt is in the pawn's head" -Levy

    how do i send one of my games for guess the elo?

    We are waiting for MAGNUS to beat the bot Magnus

    The good news for Wojtek is the vast majority of their moves look like they were played by someone rated 200-300 points higher. A few others were absolutely incomprehensible which ultimately cost them the game but weirdly the vast majority of the game they actually played pretty well I think.

    Levy never fails to make youtube videos about chess

    I just got your book for my birthday! Been reading it nonstop! I'm trying to get to 1000 elo before spring 😃

    Never take take that pawn at 14:00 next to the rook
    Hear me out fellow 1000s.
    At 14:18 take the open D FILE stack pressure on the bishop with both rooks,if black defends with one rook move in the behind the bishop,you can give a Check on G4 AND skewer the rook. Not only will you win a bishop for a rook,you are also guaranteed to WIN a bishop. That's why you don't take that pawn on G2,so the rook cannot get into the second rank to defend the bishop,it's garbage bishop but losing It won't make you're position worse,it just gets more and more hopeless for black I don't know how levy didn't see that move.

    levy never fails to get explosive diarrhea

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