Vishy Anand vs Magnus Carlsen | Tata Steel Chess India Blitz 2019

Vishy Anand and Magnus Carlsen faced off against each other in round 8 of the Tata Steel Chess India Blitz 2019. The game between two world champions is always exciting! Check out what happened!


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%1$ Comments568

    BC why there is always atleast one person who continually cough during chess match 😑

    My whole career depend upon the queen πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£

    7:18 carlsen takes pawn what was that how can he do that

    Kh1 instead of kH would have given Anand little more strength?

    i wish they played it out, I have no idea why they just suddenly stop and shake hands

    Vishy had one more step left at last why did he resigned he would have kept the king at corner..

    can someone explain what happened at 7:17, how can magnus take vishy's pawn if it wasn't diagonal to his pawn? I'm so confused

    I am IM-International Master Rupam Bordoloi who won 4 games with IM Levy Roman(Gotham chess) you can search in YouTube about Gotham chess thanks.

    Magnus is current world champion wow what a man recently I joined Byju's learning app and vishy is coming to Byju's and teach us some tips and tricks i m exciting!!!!!!!!πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜„πŸ€©πŸ€©

    champion ko kis baklol ke saath khela rah ho

    β˜¬ΟΠ½Ρ”ΟƒΠΈΞΉΟ‡β˜¬ says:

    7:17 what happend can anyone tell me? Vysh moved pawn but the way calson played could nt understand

    That is a hand I don't see any shake πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    At 7:17 Magnus appears to take Vishy’s pawn using his own pawn without moving diagonally. How is this possible?? Can someone please explain!

    I have a doubt
    At 2:22 When carlsens bishop kill viswanathans knight
    Why vishwanathan used her queen to kill that bishop I think he need to use pawn and after that carlsen kill his pawn with his queen and vishy kill that queen from his one

    Please from where I can buy this chess board in the video

    Bro does everyone in India have a coughing disease πŸ˜‚ literally that’s all I hear in the Audio

    Reading comment to know who win πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ – INDIA or ___


    I didn't know that it is possible to eat pawns in the way at 7.17

    They never tell who won what the rubbish🀣

    Legends don't know how to play and still watching……
    And I am the one among them😎……

    7:14 i couldnt understand how carlsen did tha move??? i thinks its wrong

    vishy anand lost for those who were here because of click bait

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