Want to be 1200 Chess Elo?

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1:07 Game 1
12:44 Game 2
23:40 Game 3

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%1$ Comments859

    Levy teaching Magnus How to get 1200 elo rating 👏👏

    Elo doesn't show the real skill of a person

    I hit 1200 2 years ago, 1600 1 year ago and 1900 last night. I hope to be 2100 one year from now in Rapid! Keep grinding 1200s (and below).

    Im at 900 rn, ill come back when im 1200

    I really appreciate how wholesome and positive this vid was

    i think the queen sacrifice in the second game was actually necessary for the mate because other wise the queen would block. just to put it our there i am 700 so i could be wrong and there may be mate after but the queen sac was not just for style 🙂

    I watched this video , during my exams even though i'm 1700

    “Castle and put my rooks in the center” said no 1200 ever 😂

    I am 1500 and I make more blunders than these 950 rated people 🤡

    Video Idea: Go through 1100 elo games pointing out the best move in every position and what was played instead. (Yeah crazy engine moves be crazy, but still I think it'd be a great video)

    [Event "AI Factory's Chess"]

    [Site "Android Device"]

    [Date "2023.02.27"]

    [Round "1"]

    [White "You"]

    [Black "Cpu (12)"]

    [PlyCount "35"]

    [Result "1-0"]

    1. d4 e6 2. c4 Nf6 3. Nf3 d5 4. Bg5 Be7 5. Bf4 Bd6

    6. Bg5 Bb4+ 7. Bd2 Bxd2+ 8. Nb1xd2 dxc4 9. e3 c3 10. bxc3 O-O

    11. Bd3 a5 12. Ng5 Nc6 13. Qc2 h6 14. Bh7+ Kh8 15. h4 hxg5

    16. hxg5 Ng4 17. Bg8+ Kxg8 18. Qh7# 1-0

    Learning from levy I mostly just Sicilian. IgN: 4rrst

    As a 1040 rated player this was a godsend at the exact right moment. Thanks for the informative and educational content you keep making Levy. You rock lol.

    Great vid Levy! Super well paced and engaging throughout!

    I think on the second game playing d5 in the opening would have won Levy the bishop on b4 🤓

    Well done levy for getting above 1200

    Day 4: I had a Amazing game, I am 900 ELO & I played a 3 min game. I had 2 Brilliant moves, I had Checkmate in 1, My opponent had a checkmate in 1, I sacked rook to win the game(I didn’t win because of the sack, but any 1200+ would have seen it) I won from a rook & Knight checkmate

    I am still at 250 ELO, this video lied to me.

    its really interesting to see that even a 2500+ could lose to a 1200 on an off day, with just one wrong step, wow. and i do all of these blunders lmao.

    I was only 2300 in rapid but now I have finally reached 1200 after putting in the work.

    I have a question
    Can anyone play his king on an attacked square if it doesn't oppose by an opponent ?

    I love when I take some break from chess(playing and watching) and week after I have 20 new videos to watch from mr. GOATham 😎🐐

    You want to be 200 elo? Watch this (totally not a hater) (actually)

    Gotham, I just had my first checkmate game as a beginner chess player, and I'm very proud of it! Proud of me, dad?

    What for people of 1200 rating and above??

    Well ive not watched the video but here is my advice that took me from having never played chess outside of a dozen games with friends ages ago-1050 in a couple of months. FIRST this took me a while to learn though it is the most basic and simple rule to follow that i guarantee has been holding back thousands of players, dont play super late at night or when your sleep deprived, dont play while waiting for another game to load, dont let the chess game be one of many things on your mind, nobody is that smart (except like Magnus Carlson or whatever but who even is that am i right) just understand that if you aren’t comfortable and able to give the game the attention it needs, then your chances of winning or even learning from the loss go from probable to 0. Anyway past being a healthy human being and playing while your awake learn an opening for white, not the scholars mate, because past a certain point people simply wont fall for it. Next, play alot, get used to loads of different positions patterns and situations, your rating doesn’t matter right now, just play the game and slowly you will recognise and learn patterns, and checking the engine moves after a game every now and then will teach you how to cope with the patterns you can’t figure out on your own. Boom your now gunna fall a chunk of rating and after a short while climb back up to somewhere between 7 and 9 hundred assuming you started 600 or below, now you have a nice solid understanding if the real basics of chess, you can finish a winning end game with relative ease, your not falling for the scholars mate or getting back ranked anymore, and your queen is no longer role playing the french monarchy (dead). From there watch some tiktoks or YouTube shorts or whatever just short quick simple chess stuff, learn the little trick being displayed in the clip and go play a game or two see if you get a chance to use it, done. Now your slowly improving indefinitely and are going to rise higher and higher up to at least a thousand, happy days.

    Levy's haircut looks like one of those potatoes that you left in the pantry for a little too long but is growing a lot of little sprouts instead of a few large ones

    1600 here. The way I broke through was doing exactly what Levy says: focused purely on minimizing my errors and very quickly managed to rise in Elo

    I was 1550. Now after watching the video I have finally reached the threshold of 1200.

    Ngl I really don't like this series.
    Where is the point in not playing the best moves?


    i would like to be pinned

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