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always a good day when levy uploads!
These are truly my favorite of all Gotham Series!
The stare was sexy today
Ngl this was the first tutorial that actually worked💀
always a good day when levy uploads!
bro almost loose to 2200 ,i never buy your courses yu are sooo traash
we need more of this😌
Me wathcing this with 729 elo:
i'm 1900 and everytime i get close to 2000 i drop back to 1900 lol hopefully this video is gonna be enough to help me
Win at chess is the best educational series ever! Thanks, Levy
Love it!
Very instructional. Better than those lower rated chess games
Y'all FR roasting him in the comments chill y'all 💀 😭
Me watching this as somebody who barely holds 1000 elo:
What about moving the white bishop in the first example. Because the qeeun is still def the checkmate
I loooooved this video!
Really instructive thanks
8:56 doesn’t Nf4 work too?
Technically you part of the 0.00001% when you are super high rated
Currently 1900,wery helpful. Keep up the good work.
Levy at 0:00 : 😐
Levy at 0:01 : 🤗
The world sure is cruel… i feel bad for the people who are 2000+ as levy has throw them back to 1999 elo
Gm’s hate him learn this one simple trick to gain elo.
Yesterday I was 500. I watched this video today and now I’m 2000.
As a 1750 i can comfirm i will reach 1300 after using this guide
Levi, can you explain why bishop sacrifice was not good here 25:40
knight e2 fork king and rook 30:05
What is the best website or app to improve your chess faster and is free of cost
gotta add that .9% precentile
god these fucking bots
Thank you Levy, I was 2287 previously, but now I am on 2000 ELO, I am grateful for everything you do.
at 30:58 i feel like you could of done rook takes on c1 then after they take back, trade the queens, check on h1 and then take the rook on c1 and you'll be up a rook
I just took a fat ass shit!!!
Thank you gotham for teaching something to a bit stronger players instead of the usual beginner-intermediate level instructions
Can't you quit your garbage channel already? Why do you show up in my recommendations? You're so cringe 🤡
How to win at chess is my favorite series, sad that it was gone for so long.
11:54 you could've moved the pawn to f4 stoping queen to c7
bro i swear am 700 elo and i found queen c7 so i was actually confused when he said u can only defend with the bishop
Bruh the guy from the first game plays my prep which is kinda rare. I used to play Larsen (1.b3) but e5 lines were solid and annoying, so I started playing Reti-Larsen and Bird-larsen. I've never met anyone else doing this stuff, and now I just see this in a Gotham video… Weird
Magnus (2850) be like
Levy should i lose 850 elo
I love this series so much, but you don't upload frequently man. I love you so much. ❤
"No, now i click of the video"
Imagine if anyone actually said that lol
Can anyone help me
I'm 1900 in rapid but 1300 in blitz
I just took a giant shit
I lost to Martin today and I’ve been playing for 8 years
Levi played hope chess that opponent might not seen the move
thanks Levi I'll try to use this knowledge in a game of my own
Game 3 is the perfect example of why I don’t play the Caro. So complicated and unpleasant!