Want to be 2000 in Chess?

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%1$ Comments670

    Hi levy, big time subscriber
    We need more educational content please ❤

    Sorry levi, will watch this later. CSGO is way more important now

    I really missed How to Win at Chess, but it not being 10 minute games kind of defeats the purpose I think. These are too short to really soak in the positions.

    Thank you for helping me to get to a 1000 after 1 and a half months of playing, I started off at a 500 then grinded and played 10 games a day, learned a few openings, and then watch guess the elo for fun every night, after a few weeks I got to an 800 then in another month I got to a 1000 elo

    Wow I just started this video and I can tell I'm already 1000 point better

    Gotham how do I submit a game for a vid like guess the elo?

    Do I want to be 2000ELO? sure sounds cool. Do I want to ever put the effort and dedication in? nahhhh helll naahhhhh

    "Want to be 2000 rated in chess ?" Bro I'm struggling to get 900 ello 💀

    Thanks Levi I'll try to use this knowledge in a game of my own

    "Two thousand rated players are better then everybody else—– except me." LMAO 😅

    W stare levy, I got a bit traumatised but I loved it with all my heart🥲

    For a person rated 1600 in blitz this is very helpful

    Shame on You Levy Rosman
    Click baiting us into thinking that we can become a 2000 rated player after watching this, SHAME

    No, Levy, I do not want to be 2000 in Chess! Though, thanks for asking

    Today's stare was simple, yet influencial. 9/10

    I was 600 b4 watching your chanel, then became 800 now today i was reaching 1000 but i lost some games and now im 900, hope one day bacome 2000 elo or even more

    When you realise one day levy will no longer be able to make this series and has to be forced to make How to be 682 elo in chess, specifically

    Here When The Title was"Want to be 2000 in Chess?"

    Today's stare, i feel like, gave the same vibe of when you ask your crush out and then wait for their reply awkwardly. Just pause the frame, you'll see it

    It's illegal to be this early for me 😂😂😂😂

    Everyone wants to be 2000 in chess, no one asks does chess want us to be 2000 🙁

    Can you do a video on how to get to 1200? I am at around 700

    Guess the ELO has taught me I can beat a 2000, even as a 1500… who can’t beat 1500 bots,

    But bots are cruel

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