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%1$ Comments148

    It’s funny. I don’t really play chess but I love your channel and for some reason I want to buy your book (but I really don’t play)


    I've literally climbed my way from 700 elo to almost 1300 with only levys yt videos, basically I just play safe and avoid taking stupid risks.

    I didn't find the book in french, someone know if it will be translateed ?

    I got the book and I read threw the first chapter and I though that you should of put a exclusive QR code for preorders (like me) that goes to a exclusive video idk if you did but yeah thank you levy

    Sir are books available in India please let Indians know

    Just ordered the book. Can't wait to read it. Thanks Levy and best wishes from 🇦🇹 😊

    Currently around 1550 rapid right now. Very close to advanced level, this video helped me a lot!

    15:26 I love when the board is highlighting. It tells me "Oh, it's Levy playing a different path, it is not the mainline of the story". Just makes it easier to follow. Thanks for using it!

    Киностудия и кинофестиваль 22 ВЕК says:

    Hm.. I'm 2300 and it's about 2.5%. How 1800 can be 1%?

    Your book is very useful especially for the QR codes who make it more understandable

    maybe we can get a single episode of win at chess to celibrate the release of the book. better yet, we could return to a once a month schedule.

    YESS bro pls more educational content!! you remember your series chess steps? I think you stopped it around 1000-1200 elo

    Levi " Now the queen is attracted to the knight, NOT LIKE THAT" 💀

    I know you just launched one, but pleeeaseeee start working on a book tor intermediate players. It feels like you're the only one who truly understands the brains of players who are rated lower than you. And also because there's so little material which is targeted exactly towards players who are in that 1300 to 17-1800 range.

    When i started watching this i was already at the 1% but after i watched it now im at the 100% thanks levy

    Hope to meet you someday! Much love from New Zealand

    @gothamchess I'm pretty sure everyone knows that 3 pieces is better than a queen, but no one has the power to give up their most powerful piece for 3 pieces, and mostly people just don't know how to win against a queen with 3 pieces, they just don't know how coordinate their pieces.

    In the german version, on page 273 on diagram 2 there is a printing error, I just picked up my ex this morning. JK, but 28:30 it's a huge blunder taking that pawn with the queen, Ng5 or even better, Rc1 are winning (~ +3.5)

    Got my book yesterday so excited to finally get better!

    Can we appreciate how much the average Gotham subscriber never fails to annoy everyone with the same "never fails" joke over and over again? It's truly fascinating.

    Bro, didn't you lose to a woman a few days ago? How are you going to tell people about becoming top 1%? Snake oil salesman.

    I just broke 2009 blitz after 2 years! Thank you Levy.

    Thanks Levy. Bought your digital book for Kindle. Its awesome.

    levy never fails to change the title

    Thank you Levi I really enjoyed your videos (ChatGPT

    It is actually really interesting how much Levy improved as a creator, I didn't even notice that the video was 30+ minutes

    I received your book on day 1, straight away I was struck by the physical quality (a thick hardback cover and colour illustrations throughout). I'm more interested in the intermediate sections, but people new to the game will find your writing style easy to follow and not at all dry like many chess books out there. I hope you sell many many copies and you bring out an intermediate to advanced book next.

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