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%1$ Comments432

    Lucy is literally like every other 800. She’s just more honest than they are.

    “I don’t care whether it’s good for him, I only want to talk about me!”

    You and NL need to Collab more, that was a great time

    Dude I like your wife but holy hell she needs to learn when to hand over the sticks. 😬🤬

    you should set a limit for how bad the position has to get for your wife like -5 and use stock fish on a separate device like your phone to see that and hide the engine moves

    Levy Blink twice if you are kept hostage

    These videos are actually really educational, it’s different from regular low (or high) rated players playing well, it shows how to recover from bad or losing positions.

    So nice of Lucy to hold Levy hostage, it really shows the strength of their relationship

    Levy:caro-Kann fav opening London:😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

    lucy steal the whole channel challenge 🙂

    19:20 Why not Rook on d1 to b1? Looks like that would be mate in two.

    “ELO Swap: Episode 4” = 20k Views

    “Watch this video you stupid scrub” = 69k Views

    Setting chess aside for just a moment, It’s so awesome to see how happy and in love you guys are! I know I don’t know you both personally but videos like this make me wish I did! And bonus…elo swap is awesome content!

    Cute couple, love you guys! Instructive game too!

    'Levy' was probably kidnapped by some angry taxpayer. Har har. Pin of shame? 🙂

    I seriously clicked on this because of the thumbnail. I saw that and said, "Yes, sir."

    Yall should stop making the kidnapping joke before some psycho kidnap him for real and make him play the Magnus Carlsen Gambit from 100 to 2000.

    Same league as your wife lol😂😂😂

    I realised Lucy is the one kidnapped Levy. We finally know who is the mastermind behind

    So literally Levy has gotten to the point where NOBODY is gunna talk about the thumbnail or title😂?

    one day you will tell me face to face that this is the worst computer scumbag move you've ever seen, you know what i'm talking about, remember, sleep well

    Хаве ю евер тхоудх абаут квиттинг чесс энд плайинг майнкрафт

    Fuck I hate seeing Gotham all happy and shit

    As the favoured kidnapper of the napkid family I can safely say my cousin reppandik is a chad for allowing levy to meet his wife

    At this point, levy should just pay rent to the kidnapper.

    I'm surprised that the kidnapper either is still letting him keep a camera, or just hasn't found out yet

    I love at 19:40 when Levy starts calculating, Lucy's eyes say "does not compute."

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