What happened to Magnus Carlsen?
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By every passing day Levy is only getting closer to Martin.
(In terms of hairline)
Polak wygrał z Magnusem!
Honestly I think Magnus knows he has absolutely nothing to prove and is just playing things that he finds fun regardless of objectivity. He’s just vibin’.
12:39 Ding calling
Magnus is entering his post WC Bobby Fischer part of his life.
Love you boo
It’s gonna be the first reverse sweep in NBA playoff history. Just you wait for my Celtics to comeback Levy.
"And Magnus immediately plays Qb8, no hesitation" – meanwhile the clock goes down almost 4 minutes …
Polska gurom
Magnus giving up his world title is just a gambit, he'll take it back at some point.
yes, U are!
What are some openings in classical chess
that front against the celtics hurt bad
Levy: magnus is Alpha
yay im here
bro really roasted the celtics for no reason and I'm here for it GHAHAHHAGDHAHA
Is it not obvious that hes just fucking bored of chess?
i took da woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooock
He might droped playing chess seriosly and now the chess thingy will be like a toy he does not want to play that much anymore
Yes u may pin me levy thanks for asking
Please keep us updated on all things Magnus
man, as a celtics fan I really can't catch a break today huh
GM Gotham when
RIP the Boston Celtics hahahaha
That was personal🥲🍥
dont exaggerate things…… it happens…… by taking rest from chess he is just recharging himself…… sooner or later you will see the fire for sure….
Pin me if you like sushi 🍣
Its just motivation. ( alcohol intake is just (minor at this point ) symptom ) to motivate himeslf he plays different variation to make the game more interesting and to pevent already known patterns
Who ever is from poland like my coment xd😂
Damn magwho carlson
Magnus plays garbage opening against polish #2, looses. Plays a dead draw against the polish #1 while spending only 2 minutes. I´m betting this was just warmup, he´s nowhere near retirement.
12:40 Ayo my man Gotham got world champion in the line
I’ve met Magnus in one of Warsaw bars. We were drinking heavily and suddenly we realized morning came already and he was playing a torunament. I dared him to play a polish opening. Now i owe Mangus a beer.
He’s just takin it EZ having fun. You can tell on botez / chessbrah streams he’s not really taking his games super seriously, he just havin fun
I could watch a whole video of Levy ripping into the Celtics😂😂
Polska górą
finally he is wearing a shirt
What happened? Hans made him retire, Magnus went from playing in WC to hanging out with Botez sisters.
Hope he won't pull a bobby Fischer
Magnus is alcoholic
Celtics fans taking shots when we just wanted to watch some chess 🥲
Finally, some recaps, I really miss them. It would be fine if you recap some interesting games without Magnus though.
Alcohol is hulluva drug
Magnus doesn’t look like Hans Nieman IMO. He looks more like the REAL Dr Drunkenstein. only Dr Drunkenstein would the Polish in Poland because it’s that amusing 😂
magnus bobby fischer arc incoming??