When There’s CHECKMATE In ONE | Chess Memes
When There’s CHECKMATE In ONE | Chess Memes
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We have the best chess memes compilations to give you your daily dose of chess. We’ve got chess memes, blunders, and checkmates in our chess commentary.
We love chess memes, and we make these chess videos for you whether you’re a noob, pro, casual player, or the best in your friend group. Here to make you laugh 🙂 and to mail you a free cookie when you subscribe.
Very humiliating for this black king.
That `what else we here for ' was op😮
5:56 from 6:31 Knight was so lucky the Queen could kill him
Only fans know the lore
Now the horsey era has begun but the powers are yet to be discovered
2:46 1983 reference… Indians will know
What if black copy white move in whole game
The "f*ck you" catchphrase that white made is so funny
You've been forked cuh ♟
Horsey is the BEST 👍👍
“fucky fucky fuck you”😭😭
queen simping for a simp?
this is new
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For those who hates 'only top chess fans can like the comment'
Only top chess fans can like this
5:54 very big blunder there could've been a fork well not a blunder
No swearing video ?
6:32 Checky checky Forky forky 6:35
7:39 Checkity check
5:47 Pawn shows gun
5:48 Pawn Yee haw
"F#cky F#cky F#ck You"
Soon bishop will be useful again
6:13 bishop era
Idea for first match: 4 rows of knights vs 4 rows of rooks. Also do a vid where pawn under promotes to a knight
7:52 gigachad horsey 🗿
The knight era will start at video #157
Theory why Knight remembers the Bishop (just what I think): The other Bishop was controlling the Knight, so he remembered about the Bishop, but he never saw the death of the Bishop. That's why it took him a few episodes to figure out the new bishops are new. Just a theory.
what the fork
New video
Counter checkmate 😅
Breast memes #141: When Porker gets Porked
Plot twist it was ur mom
Horn battle
5 hour gang
Does anyone of them know how to checkmate with 2 bishops or with Knight and Bishop? I havnt seen that in any Episode
(from 7:10 to 7:57) the white knight had a smart sacrifice for the checkmate there (and that is what the queene explained about on her checkmate plan) 🧠.
F*cky f*cky f*ck you
2:45 only legends know this from 83 movie
Calling bishop a simp is something new
When you are one move away from checkmate win and you still lose.
Only top chess fans can like this
Only legends know that Knight and Bishop era is coming.
Like if you are top chess fan
Aw what happened to the intro
White bishop has that unspoken rizz
7:21 or move the rook from a1 to f1?
Horsey: Yee haw
3:55 Favorite part
One hour gang