When There’s CHECKMATE In ONE | Chess Memes

When There’s CHECKMATE In ONE | Chess Memes

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If you’re looking to learn how to play chess and improve your Elo rating – watch out – this video might make you lose brain cells!

We have the best chess memes compilations to give you your daily dose of chess. We’ve got chess memes, blunders, and checkmates in our chess commentary.

We love chess memes, and we make these chess videos for you whether you’re a noob, pro, casual player, or the best in your friend group. Here to make you laugh 🙂 and to mail you a free cookie when you subscribe.

%1$ Comments235

    its allways a good day when top chess uploads

    That knight taking bishop was a brilliant move👏👏👏

    We know its a good day when top chess comes one

    5:51 When you find a way to fork queen and bishop with a chech

    Mute white king he said to many swear words

    That Knight has a brilliant moves on his brain at 7:38

    I want white king to treat his bishops good cause they do good i win a lot with them because they are snipers cause when we build a sniper the pawn won't move cause rook is hanging

    I call the night era from episode 140 so remember me on episode 200

    Stop bullying white bishops pleaaaaasssssseee😢


    Justice for WHITE BISHOP ❤️

    Day 3 stopping bots from saying only top chess fans can like this comment

    I am telling you there will be a black night era

    Theory: The creator of these videos hasnt been shown in any of the vids, what if the Ad Bishop is using him as a vessel? Now i know the Ad bishop died in 130 but what if the Ad Bishop can travel back in time? Remember, he said his powers are the key to get other abilities that some consider it unnatural. I dont know, but maybe this could happen in 200.

    Hard to checkmate with any number of bishops/knights😢
    Those who agreed

    7:28 -> 7:33 I think the White King's love belongs to the White Knight

    New OTP: White King x White Knight

    Black king almost saw it and if he gets his memories back it will be a twist

    Can’t wait for episode 150 .Will the kings forget the episode?😮🎉

    can we all agree that top chess is the best chess meme maker

    Hearing that the bishop is useless is really starting to get annoying again and I don't like it

    Is it me. Or the knights design is a little changed

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    I think top chess is a very good masterpiece

    I. Fun fact I want to say king are lazy they wont move there ass in 1 square and they cant move 2 square 😂😂😂

    HE SACRIFICES THE ROOOOOOOK!!!!!!!!! ♖ ♖ ♖ ♖

    Does anyone else think the bishop in this game is the old bishop who was in charge?

    I know this comment will get 1 like 👍

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