When You’re About to FORK | What Chess Players Think #1
You want me to make more Baka Mitai videos, I did.
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Music used in this video:
Baka Mitai
#chess #WhatChessPlayersThink
Im gonna be in this series mom
Omg I’m 3500th guy who liked
100 elo chess be like
This was actually one of your funniest videos Simp. Ohmygod I’m crying😂
Sounds like me
Pawn: Mission success! 6900000 enemy pieces out of 16 captured!
King: Cyxa Bxxxt…
Stop. Saying. Bishop.
100 elo gameplay
This was hilarious, it actually made me laugh out loud in a Burger King parking lot, and I would love to see more.
Aaha, this is like your old Baka Mitai video but with new and your current sytle
Wait am i on the wrong channel?
Much more entertaining than I expected, great!😂
common, i was waiting for the drop so hard
I watched this video and was shocked at the end I didn't realise it was by chess simp
I had a lot of fun thank you
I nearly died from cringe when seeing these moves. Even I don't play that bad, AND I'M A 110 MYSELF!
Inspiration from Top Chess?
2:57 he could have move his knight c2 thus giving a fork. Would have been a great plot twist.
Top Chess is having his job stolen
Where's the yawning horsie? That's the mascot of baka mitai!!!
This feels like an episode of Yu-Gi-Oh but with chess. I love it!
1:15 Qxh1!!
How many times the title of this video has been changed?
that was a fun new concept, i love it
1:14 qxh8 ?
This is the exact game that My hunk carpenter boyfriend and I played before we had hot steamy sex on the table.
Before this it was Why Do People Want Me To Do Baka Matai?
What Season 8 Game of Thrones nonsense was this.
Chess memes? Is that you?
"I thought we were talking about bishops"
-black king. Upon hearing that his woman died
Some high level gameplay here^^
This dude can't compete to top chess
In actually, we have word to call when you attack enemy queen, it's call 'En Garde' or 'On Guarde' in english. But it's deprecated.
This is just copying top chess
Top chess has been real quiet since this dropped
Does a double attack, loses
Liked the remix, didn't care for the dialogue or lack of screaming horsies. I lived for those weird memes, especially the screaming horsies.
Acutally this type of videos is created by a channel called Top Chess, and it will be good if u give him a shout out bcs he have 70+ videos like this
God this is awful chess
Where can I find this version of Baka Mitai?
Found it: Yakuza – Baka Mitai Instrumental
Petition to name attack on queen a "tick"
Chess meme yay
With every move played, I died a little bit on the inside.
There uses to be another channel that was perfect for this kind of content, but then you anime'd it.