When You’re About to FORK | What Chess Players Think #1
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Baka Mitai
#chess #WhatChessPlayersThink
Very similar to Top Chess
Coward. Continue, please.
Few more words for the algorithm: coward.
You want me to take the like button, I won't take the like button
Is what you want me to say. I take the like button.
tick deserves to be an actual chess term lol
I don't like change ☹️
The word for attacking an opponent's woman is "garde".
Proposal: rename check to ‘TOCK’.
ok i guess it's our turn.
What the F.
Do NOT use any AI voice other than the usual in this channel this is cursed af. Use the same voice for both the opponents idc
This completely destroys the 300 rated players mind, where there is nobody behind the other side of the screen
Oh this good but normal better
Bruh I was waiting for you to upload today, very late upload
Never forget your origins
Because it’s your main theme song
middle chess
Some powerful chess minds at play here lol
If attacking the king is check, then attacking queen is Chuck… CHUCK NORRIS!!!!
1:16 , the black queen could take the rook for free
really similar to a top chess video?
3:01 , you could've played Qxh8
Love this type of video! I wish you can make more of those. This made my day.
2:25 hung a queen lol
this is what most of my games look like and now I feel bad
My brain cells exploded after watching this
2:24 , the knight could just take the bishop
"I thought we were talking bishops" got me, keep up the good content 👍