Why did Magnus Carlsen SMILE? #shorts
Pragg’s first draw against Magnus Carlsen in Classical Chess! 😍
Video: ChessBase India
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It's fake 🤥🤥🤥
Why Black not do qh8
Wait I'm just 800 .but I have a doubt didn't prag just have a scwere on th queen
Prag can also do h1
Free queen for pragg
Is it just me or could queen slide to the corner where there is a check and a diangnol on the opposing team winning a queen?
Dh1+ and take queen, why draw
The Indian guy should have put e8 and trade queen and make a new one
But Qh1 check could get Magnus Queen
Magnus – inhales and exhales deeply
World – WHY did he BREATHE!!
just Kidding 😂😂
Both knew who would win if they play. But both knew a draw was what both needed. 🥇
Me wondering why did prag not moved the queen to h1
Magnus would have lost his queen
bro both players played like a pro, look at pragg bro is really happy
பெருமை அனைத்தும் மகனை ஈன்ற பெற்றோர்க்கே.
Internet, not all is real
0:19 after Qh1+ white loses the queen then why did pragg offer a draw??
Game recognises game
Couldn't he win the queen a1 scewer 😊
Why pragg didnt played queen to the corner it would be check and magnus would have lost his queen 😢
The queen could be skewered
But Prag could have fork Magnus queen by Queen to H1
Why Qh1 is not possible?
Why Don't he cheak at h Square it wins the white queen 😊
Ke5 lichess glich instead of ke3
It's black winning
Did anyone notice Qh1+ was winning queen
qh1 check and win queen?
Prag could win the Match after Qh1 but he calmly offered Draw, What a lovely movement✨
showing wrong move of magnus in screen
……. notice last move of magnus both in tournament and on the screen
Pragg could have won.. In the final check given.. Magnus moved his king to the diagonal of his queen.. He could have given check from one corner and taken the queen..
i think magnus didnt repeat his kings move to draw the game but prag offered a draw…thats the fun point 😂😂😂…although prag was a pawn up it was drawish endgame
That says language is not a barrier when knowledge comes
Qué buena gente el indio… Eso y el gran respeto que le tiene a Magnus
Legends like if the can destroy marcus carlsons queen(i can)
why did he offer a draw ? it was obviously a winning position for black
Respect for ya kid
Why did pragg didnt play queen h1 after king e4? He would have won the queen and won the game
Ke_4_ looses to Qh1+. On the board Magnus played Ke3 ofc
White blunder
umm he could have taken the queen on the a8 after givin the check on h 1
It was winning for pragg after the king moved in yhe same diagonal of queeeen
Why draw Magnus lose Black move Qh1. White loses Queen.
Prag the win, move the queem for house H1.
Black shout have won LOL – Queen H1. Magnus did blunder BIG TIME