Why do all Chess Bots play like this?
I thought it was Magnus like bot 💀
i know why the black king sacrifice the queen if take it with the rook is smoother mate 1:45
Black queen next to King but no protection
Back to monkey
I remember beating expert level i am now in candidate level
Weaker bots are normally just stronger bots programmed to make worse moves and occasionally blunder on purpose, so it giving up the queen was just it deciding to blunder (or a bug)
OH SHIT! OH SHIT! blunders his queen
If you took with rook then it’s smothered mate
Yes, these bots can be quite predictable. I found moves that very often leads to winning position on hardest difficulty, because for some reason bot do not always play optimal moves. Playing as black, if you manage to do 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. d4 (hardest part because of low chanches of bot playing that), you can get a better position with 99% chance after: 3. Nxe4 4. dxe5 c5 5. Qe2? Bxf2+ 6. Kd1 d5 7. exd6 Qxd6 8. Nbd2? f5 9. Ng5? O-O 10. Qc4+ Kh8 11. Nf7+ Rxf7 12. Qxf7 Bd7 13. Bd3 Nc6. Here you already have big advantage, but position is hard, and bot have various move to play next: 14. Nxe4 (most common move) 14. Nc4 , 14. Rf1 or even 14. Qb3. If knight takes e4: 14. fxe4 15. Qxf2 Bg4+ 16. Kd2?? (Ke1 is best, but played not often) exd3 17. Qg3?! Ne5 18. cxd3 Rd8 19. Re1 Nf3!! 20. Ke2 Qxd3+ 21. Kf2 Nxe1 22. Qxd3 Nxd3+ 23. Kg3. Here you can play Nxc1 or move bishop, but you still entering endgame with extra piece, so its easy win. Engine says theres mate in 20+ on 18 move, after cxd3, but continuation is hard to remember, so I prefer to exange some pieces.
What's the song's name?? Anyone know it? Thanks
What's the music
Obiously i will subribe !
1:30 if bot is pro, bot will go Kc2+. Kb1 Ka3+. Ka1 Qb1+. Rb1 and finally Kc2 checkmate
when the trillion IQ bot sacced the queen for no reason he had a 5 move checkmate for the bot
Where the ape, who created this chess game…
Whats the music name bro at the start of viddo
Expert bot💀
Я щас на кондидатах мастера спорта
Oh sh*t at the start got me on the ground
Ты понимаешь Я пришёл мастер уровень Тем более у нас мастером ничья ты не сможешь победить мастера Он тебя просто стреляет пистолетом одна ошибка и проигрыш на Мастере
Bluds saying allat while playing a chess mobile game💀🙏
They mad 7 book move 8 bad moves 2 blunders and 4 mistakes and 2 great and 2 best moves🎉
Hey this isn't any hate I'm sure you're a great person but all off theese sound effects cause headaches
the book moves are in the book for a reason
“And hopefully he takes with the rook!” – Frank 2023
It decided to spare you and not to deliver checkmate in 4.
Smoothered mate: no
Smoothered lose: yes yes yes
Bro, that IA is trash ☠
expert level dont know how to smothered mate😂😂😂
Expert level is easy for me too but the master level💀
He sacrificed the queen
for the record, if white would've taken the queen with a rook it would've been a smothered mate, they just simply overlooked the fact that the king could capture it as well. I could kinda see a human make a blunder like that.
Я эксперта с первого раза прошел
0:57 Blunder
1:13 Another blunder
1:20 The ❗ move
1:28 Three blunders on the row
1:30 The ❗ move, with mate in 6 moves
1:35 Bruh 💀💀💀
1:51 Forky forky fork fork
You: 75.4
Bot: 77.7
Я тебя очень Не советую идти дальше там где мастер за 30 ходов делает ☠ Хотя я побеждаю умников
1:39 minion
When that Queen sacrifices is when rook takes after knight checkmate
Lovely editing
Wait a minute, I hope you take the car to B1 to get the horse to go to C2 to make antique carpets
Ain't no way that's expert mode 💀