WIN AT CHESS in 6 moves!

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%1$ Comments96

    What If they are not in 1 million people

    "How to win a chess game in 6 moves"

    MoistCr1tikal: "Hey I've seen this one before"

    How to win a chess game in 6 moves. Here’s all the moves you can make and still not win in 6 moves …

    You aren’t supposed to kill the rook, you’re supposed to kill the king…

    how to win in 4 moves: e4 e5 e6, make sure they take with the bishop's pawn, queen h5 mate

    bro i bring out my queen on my 3rd move😭💀

    I played 10 games, no one would move like that. Not even the first move

    This is the "higher than my elo" that wins after taking a rook. I promise i can mess up the rest of the game.

    Nuh-uh, Nimzo-Larsen with 1…g6 and King's Fianchetto with 1…b6 does the same.

    That wont work on my friend they dont know how to play chess

    Whenever people do Queens Gambit on me, I just do the Englund Gambit and somehow I avoid it. I am a coward for sure.

    Instructions unclear: I am now queenless 😂

    I could win the rook and still lose, that's just the kind of power I hold

    Bro stop disclosing the traps. How else are we going to make fun of them😅?

    It´s so funny how all the IMs and GMs think i would win the game when i catch the rook of my opponent. 😂

    …and if they do nothing you win a full…
    -No, please!

    i will pick any ai that shoots water balla

    They should do the same thing right.. if not then it would be reverse🥲. Only in video u can win in 6 moves.. Not against elo 1000 above

    when you do e3 to win back the pawn, cant you do e4 because it works the same and its blocking the other bishop?

    Didn't you know theirs the three move😅

    Sorry levy but I'll still find a way to throw

    when I take the free pawn i just dont protect mine and i continue with my plan

    horse laughing in corner for his move 😂😂

    Queens Gambit huh….
    I might need to know what that is

    What if you're playing someone who knows how to avoid old opening traps? Then they play 2…e7 or c7 and you now need to know how to play for a win in 60 moves.

    I’m good for a minute don’t need to inmate

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