Women’s World Chess Champion!

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Photos by Stev Bonhage

Ju, Wenjun (2564) – Lei, Tingjie (2554)
FIDE Women’s World Chess Championship (chess24.com) [12] 2023.07.22
D04 Colle System

1.d4 d5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.e3 c5 4.dxc5 e6 5.b4 a5 6.c3 axb4 7.cxb4 b6 8.Bb5+ Bd7 9.Bxd7+ Nbxd7 10.a4 bxc5 11.b5 Qc7 12.Bb2 Bd6 13.O-O O-O 14.Nbd2 Rfc8 15.Qc2 c4 16.Bc3 Nc5 17.a5 Nb3 18.Bxf6 Nxa1 19.Bxa1 Qxa5 20.Qc3 Qxc3 21.Bxc3 Rcb8 22.Nd4 e5 23.Nf5 Bf8 24.Bxe5 Rxb5 25.g4 g6 26.Nd4 Rb2 27.Nb1 Bg7 28.Bxg7 Kxg7 29.Nc3 Ra5 30.Rd1 Rb6 31.Nde2 Rb3 32.Kg2 h6 33.Kf3 f6 34.Rc1 Kf7 35.Nf4 d4 36.exd4 g5 37.Ne2 f5 38.gxf5 Rxf5+ 39.Ke3 g4 40.Nf4 Rb8 41.d5 Rf6 42.Rc2 Ra8 43.Nb5 Rb6 44.Nd4 Ra3+ 45.Ke4 c3 46.Nfe2 Rb2 47.Kd3 Rb1 48.Nxc3 Rh1 49.f3 gxf3 50.Nxf3 Rf1 51.Nd4 Ke7 52.Kc4 Rf4 53.Rb2 Rh4 54.Rb7+ Kf6 55.Rb2 Ra8 56.Kc5 Rh3 57.Ncb5 Re3 58.d6 Ke5 59.Nc6+ Ke4 60.d7 Rd3 61.Nd6+ Kf4 62.Rb8

00:00 Hello Everyone!

The 2023 FIDE Women’s World Championship is a 12-game match between defending champion Ju Wenjun and her Chinese compatriot Lei Tingjie. The match runs July 5-23, with the first 6 games in Ju Wenjun’s home city of Shanghai and the rest of the match in Lei Tingjie’s Chongqing. The first player to 6.5 points wins the match, while a 6:6 tie will be settled by tiebreaks. The prize fund is €500,000, split 60:40 in favour of the winner, or 55:45 if tiebreaks are needed.

The time control is 90 minutes for 40 moves, followed by 30 minutes to the end of the game, with a 30-second increment per move from move 1. The tiebreaks start with four 25-minute games, with a 10-second increment from move 1. If still tied, two 5+3 games are played, then, if needed, another two 5+3 games. If still tied, single 3+2 games are played, with alternating colours, until one player wins.

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%1$ Comments88

    It's weird for a game like chess to separate men and women. Why isn't there just 1 championship?

    12 pushing pawn games 😂
    This one was the trickiest game they had 😂😂😂

    The differing skill in of the endgame was pretty evident. Great match.

    Two knights for a Rook I think was a Great Choice by Ju Wenjun it definitely worked in her favor throughout the game helping protect her passed pawn from the Rooks Great Game Thanks Agadmator

    Chinese grandmasters do love the Colle!

    I like how you just breeze through the unfamiliar names. kind of the opposite of Ben Feingold.

    Thanks for showing the endgame through checkmate. Helps us lousy players.

    We need to see a greater exploration of woman's chess and the struggle to reach parity with men.

    Meticulous play in the endgame. Great coordination of the pieces.

    Totally disappointed with how biased agad is towards women chess championship. He even covered so many stupid 1+0 games on this channel, but he completely disregarded the women's candidate's tournament and only barely covered 2-3 games from the world championship match. This is sad!

    Congrats, Wenhun! Great game and Knight moves, too!

    @agadmator's Chess Channel Can we please get coverage on all of the games of this World Championship? I reckon that, just like in the open championship, there were some boring draws, but it would be best to afford this championship the same respect as the open and view and learn from all games. #suggestion

    #suggestions i know you already put a lot of more fischer games but still i and many others want more fischer games? if not please do karpov games

    @ 9:27 sec – Instead of rook g7, she should move night to f5 check and fork the rook on h4

    Are the pieces less heavy in Women's chess? Is the board prettier colours? Is taking back moves allowed?
    No, you say?
    Then what is the basis for a separate female championship?

    Congrats to Ju Wenjun for retaining her title!

    Your commentary is definitely among the best on youtube! Straight to the point, explains the significance of each move, and very quick, does not waste time at all. Wonderful content. And congratulations again to Ju Wenjun for defending her title!!

    Spectacular game by Ju Wenjun! I don't see many videos with an endgame of two knights and rooks. Great to see how she handled it.

    #suggestion perhaps a bit unpopular, however would love to see some of the more exciting games played at the women’s candidates tournament leading up to this match❤

    Even after Ding became the champion, we have both male & female chess champions from China. Congratulations to Ju Wenjun!

    total annihilation #3. that is the title

    I had no doubts that she would do it since I saw her at the Sharjah Masters in May this year. She defeated Vadit and tied Pragg, leading most of the rounds in the tournament where superGMs played. I also saw her last year at the online tournament. She won against Duda, Rapport and Radjabov in one day. She is an incredibly strong chess player, played the endgame at the highest level.

    Why should there be separate Women chess championship?? Women are equal right??. Since women cant complain here about physical strength CHESS SHOULD BE UNISEX PLATTFORM.


    C'mon Agad can you please not spoil the results in your thumbnails/titles? I don't really care if you do it for old or smaller games but for large active tournaments it's upsetting—I've been following the women's WCC closely but didn't get a chance to see the recent games because of work and I was looking forward to catching up when I saw this in my subscription feed :/

    Nice to see how the wK and his 2 tricky bastards move so elegantly and work together, keeping everything covered and escort the pass pawn to victory!

    A 2500-rated "WCC" who earned most of those points playing in women-only events so it's at least 50 ELO points inflated. They sure are loud to demand the benefits of equality but don't complain one bit they're treated as mentally impaired in a mind sport.

    Polgar was literally the only woman ever who refused to play in this subpar manner. And Yifan complained once in Gibraltar when she was paired exclusively vs. other women. The rest don't care 😂

    This is a world title as much as a participation medal is a medal.

    Could Lei hold her position after reaching 2R vs R+2Kn?

    Hou Yifan is #1 but Ju is the women world champion. Reminds me of Carlson & Ding's situation.

    The level of dominance that the Chinese have over women's chess is amazing. Also in this moment both the open (men don't have a championship only women) and the Women's chess champion are Chinese.

    Not new, she is the 3 times defending champion

    Hats off to Ju Wenjun for bouncing back after that first blow. Experience prevails at the end.

    first comment and i don't know why I am happy about this.

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