World Chess Championship Drama!
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She is going to be Ding's wife :c
Almost 4 million.
I can't believe it! Witnessed this journey from 80K and now it's 4 million.
Kudos to Levy it is really well deserved after lots of emotional roller coasters of GTE, Improving at chess, Catching cheaters and elo swaps and ofcourse sacrificing the "THE ROOOOKKKK!",
and surviving the hostage situations.
Now we are here witnessing the history in chess YouTube, it's really a big achievement that our favourite chess youtuber c made the record of 4 million.
Lots of well wishes for the future Levy and keep doing the GTE's.
nobody gives a flying F about womens chess championship
Props to Levy for surviving another day being held hostage
Cara, se ta atrasado, agora só pq tu mandou esse video agora pouco, vou ter q me atrasar no trabalho para assistir por completo
Pin this comment for no reason!
not benji licking his balls in the background
Levy where's the kidnapper?
This is possibly the first Gotham video that has the back door open. A crucial mistake by Levi’s captors
She did?
She will win every single game permanently. That's my goal
Levy never fails to entertain us!❤
Today's stare was 11/10, he looked like such a confused soul not knowing what just happened after being released by his kidnappers
I dont' get why any form of sport needs to split people by gender… why would there need to be a women and mens division in Chess? People can't even blame physics here…
Just look at soccer, men behave like bi**hes and women gets a elbow to the face, broken nose and rushes up to keep playin… I just don't get it.
I’m so sad seeing YouTube not recommend levy anymore his views are not hitting a million anymore and I feel so guilty, if he sees this I want to thank him for his effort and I appreciate every video he uploads.
Props to Levy, for covering one of the most important things in the chess world… Benji licking himself.
Doggy 😂 00:10
Legend has it, that she is STILL NOT THINKING!
levy just wanna say love ur vids!
7 minutes
levy the goat
what the dog doing
Blink more then once if you need help
That dog took him hostage and his villain arc has just started
Amazing game, impressive play by Lei
Levy titles the video "She won" in a woman's world championship match……
Props to the kidnappers for keeping the artificial setup, and making him meet his best friend for over 3 weeks.
4 mins ago dam I'm early i love chess
China gonna be having all the chess titles after this one. I’m not even Chinese and I give props to China.
No longer a hostage!!!
Very specific title from Levy
She did definitely win
The video is 23 minutes long and so WTH are the people talking about in comments about how good the video is, did yall even WATCH it?!
Maybe OK i guess
Probs to the kidnapper, leaving the door open of levis replica room!
kudos to the hostage takers for providing Levy with a replica of his room, and a new companion!!
Imagine not being a GM.
His dog got kidnapped too. Hope he's doing ok😔
What is your rating…… How much time do u all spend on chess in a day
Just wana know
4th million subscriber
To be honest, the games between these two women were much more entertaining than most games played in the men category.
I just wanted to comment before watching, I’ve become one of them guys 😂😭💀
his wife is trash frfr she didn't even know how to mate lmao
Levy never fails to deliver 😂.