worst chess move of all time

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%1$ Comments439

    "One of the worst moves Ive seen in my life"
    me sweating hoping he never sees my chess history

    I guess it’s more important to stop that pawn early before it turns into a butterfly, maybe?

    So the game was called " Guess who was the bigger idiot?"

    I wonder if he knows most of his audience might not even play chess and then also be rated below 1500

    When there's a mate a one, your best move is to sacrifice some piece – misdirection.

    the worst thing about watching 100 elo's game is i don't know which side i was in.

    What makes the move even worse is that ot provokes the queen to move, meaning the other guy could very easily stumble into a checkmate by accident

    One of my favorite games was when I hung mate in 1 but then they went for mate In 5, they had been following stockfish's 2nd best and 3rd best moves the entire game…

    I would say the worst move is that white plays pawn to h4 but then black ignores that and play their pawn to a5 instead! Now that’s what I would call a bad move 😂😂

    A 5 year old boy would not do that 😂😂😂

    If that is the worst move you've ever seen you should watch my games

    Hold up this position is familiar.
    I need the video

    I think both of them moved are my good moves 👍🏻🤣

    Gothom reacted to this the dude that done this is a RIP_BOZO

    This went from a 1000 ELO game to a 100 ELO game..

    That’s probably the suit I would do 😂

    White was atrocious, then black walked in.

    When negative elos play each other ☠️

    you meant to say "2 of the worst moves", right? lol

    What else do you expect when two drunkards play each other?

    gotham is the best guy/girl/anything on yt high dif

    when i watch these low elo vids i feel like i can play way better but i would definitely play something like queen takes knight lol

    50 chess elo players thinking they are grandmasters

    Even drunk Magnus playing with his eye closed while making moves with his toes can do better than that. 😂

    When you realized he never specified which move is the worst

    I feel bad for Gotham analyzing games that are by 100s

    Bro thought he could show one of my games and get away with it 💀

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