How to play chess: the starting guide
When it comes to tabletop games, there are numerous activities that come to mind. However, learning how to play chess is among the most popular topics on the web nowadays. The game has been serving as entertainment and a brain exercise for centuries.
Oftentimes, we learn chess in our childhood. But for many people, it’s been a long time since their last game. For that reason, we present the basics you might’ve missed. In this article, you’ll find the essential rules and practical recommendations. They will help you master the game in the most efficient way.
Basic rules
Once you’ve started learning the game of chess from scratch, learn the rules first. There are a few common regulations that you need to memorize and follow. This will be the initial step on your way to acquiring the desired skill. Here are the statements:
- Place your pieces according to the fixed setup. Each one should stand in its proper place. Only then can you begin the game.
- Every piece has its own way of moving across the board. For example, the pawn can move one square forward, in case it’s vacant. Also, it can attack one square forward in the diagonal direction. Similarly, all other pieces have their unique manner of crossing the field.
- Get to know how to win. Generally, you need to surround your opponent’s king, so it is locked. Also, the rival’s king should be attacked by your piece. This is called “checkmate”. It’s the ultimate goal in the game.
After nailing the basics, you can proceed to get familiar with the game’s main principles. It’s also an important part of your chess training. Applying them to your rival makes the process more complicated and engaging for both parties. Besides, deploying different game approaches inside your head can drastically increase your brain capacity.
Recommendations for beginners
As you start to get familiar with the game, inspiration plays a big role. However, it’s easy to lose enthusiasm and switch to another activity after a while. In order to avoid it, we recommend that you find a group of like-minded people. A chess school or chess club would be a perfect option in these circumstances.
It’s not necessarily a place for children only. Adult open-minded people are also frequent visitors to such organizations. There you can get the support that is essential on your way to mastering the skill.
Another great way to stay motivated is by reading chess books. In addition, they seriously contribute to the learning process. Once you study the basic knowledge, get to interesting alternatives. Find a biography of a famous chess player. It will be both entertaining and inspiring to read.
Other than that, you can watch movies that revolve around the chess topic. Or else, subscribe to the respective channels on social media.
Most importantly, remember one thing. Regular practice is the number one priority during the whole process of mastering chess.
Learning how to play chess on a regular basis has a positive impact on your mental capacity. Intelligence and acuity of the mind also grow significantly. Thinking through the ways of defeating the opponent enhances your planning skills. It can be later applied in many other aspects of life, not just the game.
In addition, the process requires good memory and proper concentration. And if you use it often, it will improve over time as well. Finally, this activity is known for preventing dementia and various cognitive disorders. As you can see, it’s beneficial in all respects.
Learning how play chess isn’t the easiest thing if you intend to do it properly. However, the rewards are great. Immerse yourself in the game and acquire a practical and fun hobby.
Is there any useful book for teaching beginners?