Current position : Moussard – 6 ; . Shevchenko, Latasa Santos – 5,5; Bosiocic ,Stevic, Yilmaz – 4 ; Livaich – 3,5; Zelcic -3 ; Palac – 2,5; Kozhul – 2 official source
Current position: 1-2. S.Bharat (India) and Romanov E (Norway) – 5,5 ; 3. Beerdsen T ( Netherlands) – 5 In matcha L.McShane-L.Van Foreest score 2:3, D.Dardha-M.Warmerdam-2.5: 2.5. official source
Match results: Duda — Carlsen 3:1 ; Rapport — Mamedyarov 2.5:3.5. Duda — Mamedyarov will play two matches in the final. live broadcast
BICAPAWN Grand Prix in Santiago de Compostela, four blitz tournaments and one rapid tournament started yesterday. In Blitz No. 1 (113 participants, 28 grandmasters), the winner is Grandmaster Van Foreest (Netherlands) — 8 out of 9. Then D.Dvirnyy (Italy) — 7 ;, A.Sarana (Russia), E.Iturrizaga and I.Salgado (both Spain) — 7.
Final standing: 1.Caruana – 8,5 ; 2. Robson – 8 ; 3. Dominguez, Liang – 7,5 ; 5-9. So, Niemann, Xiong, Sevian,Shankland -7; 10. Aronian – 6 ; 11-13. Swierch, Yoo, Lenderman – 5,5; 14. Moradiabadi – 2. In the women’s championship, a playoff will be held today between Krush and J.Yu – 9 out…
Current position: The current position is 1-3. M.Iskandarov, V.Bernadskшy, M.Pаrligras — 3.5; 5 participants are half a point behind. official source
Current position: 1-2. S.Bharat (India) and E. De Boer (Netherlands) – 4 each. In parallel, there are matches L. Mcshane – L. Van Foreest score 1,5:2,5. D.Dardha – M.Warmerdam -1,5:2,5. official source
Current position : Moussard – 5.5 ; . Shevchenko, Latasa Santos – 4.5; Bosiocic – 4; Stevic, Yilmaz – 3.5; Zelcic, Livaich – 3; Palac – 2; Kozhul – 1.5. official source
The final position of the participants at the “Pro-Am international ” in Buenos Aires: 1.Bachmann 7.5; 2. Pichot 7.5; 3. Delgado 7.5; 4-7. Iturrizaga , Santos , Mekhitarian,Cuenca — 7 official source
During the game at the U.S. Championship in St. Louis, opponent Samuel Sevyan took the king during the Neman move, broke the upper part of the piece and returned it to the board, but on a different square video