0.1 seconds. He won.

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%1$ Comments515

    18:01 R×Rf5+ forces a trade, R×Rf5, R×Rf5+ and Black should win easily with the extra Rook.

    i thought he was talking about the celtics-heat game 6

    Doesn’t it seem like he’s milking it a bit. Making a 20 minute video out of a second of gameplay

    This should serve as a callback to your "never resign" video

    Tonight the Celtics beat the Heat with 0.1 seconds left!!

    Never knew 0.1 seconds had such skill! Such a pro player who wins every game!

    I just cracked 1000 for the first time today! Started at 400 in February and making my way up! Thanks for your instructional videos!

    Thank you Levy for saying Football🙏 first American to not call it soccer

    Thanks to Levy i started playing chess and can proudly say: im elo 250

    Levy 450 elo is able to hit 98.3 accuracy??I did it

    I don't get it how is such ppl getting that gigh of a rating i haven't seen such blunders since the start of my chess journey like am 900 now and ppl play 10 times better than this

    I played black in this game and I've never been so happy I lost before😅…. Your videos are the only reason I was able to learn chess… Awesome review 🖤

    The player playing white can be a chess gm someday

    I thought the title was a reference to the Celtics heat game on Derrick whites buzzer beater😅

    This is either Derrick White's game winner or chess

    .1 seconds and won has so much meaning tonight

    Didn't realize you were such a big Derrick White fan

    Your title predicted the heat celtics game 6… Levy is too smart for us

    These videos are very entertaining and instructive. By the way, mirroring the noob… is that a good strategy?

    bro predicted Derrick Whites .1 game winner

    @gothamchess IS BOSTON BAD NOW

    Thought this was about Celtics vs Heat. 😂😅

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