10 Year Old Chess PRODIGY Beats Magnus Carlsen!
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Levy when a 1000elo loses the game in one move: "this person is terrible". Levy when Magnus loses the game in one move: "this means nothing".
Is Kramnik already talking shit about the kid? When we are talking about a latin american player, it's matter of time
Levy to be fair you could say that you have never beaten Magnus and you have been playing chess for over 30 years… or more right? 🙂 lol Also I've been playing chess since covid and love chess however I am not even close to this kid!
Skippevy the Levy: 2:52
I can beat magnus with stockfish
I'm am cursing this kid for probably learning how to castle and en passant the same year I did and I am just never in a million lifetimes going to catch up to where he is right now. He's infuriatingly talented and got a deserved memory for life… and he's barely getting started.
10 years old and is 2955!!!
There’s no hope for me..
I'm old enough to remember when Magnus was 10. I'll keep my fingers crossed for Faustino and check back with him in 10 years 🙂
Faustino… isn't that Latin for falsehood? Who ever heard of a kid cheating at anything let alone online chess – I'm sure it's nothing!
surfshark is not privacy, stop scamming people
in a alternative universe "Magnus brutally beats a kid in 38 seconds"
I just occurred to me when you said, " it's going to be like, big bad wolf blowing on the house" that you sound like you could do a good Christopher Walken impression. You should annotate a game in Christopher Walken's voice, that would be hilarious!
Argentina is a great country. I’ve been there, so many places to visit, the women are beatiful and locals are very nice to tourists. They have Lionel Messi and Faustino Oro.
Great content Levi, greatings from Argentina.
Levi puts more effort into pronouncing names correctly than he does into playing chess
maan wtf, is this kid human?
Bro watches his own videos before uploading
Love the vids!
Magnus blundered but it must be acknowledged that Faustino moved his knight to C1 to prevent Magnus from shuffling the knight from a2 and c3 endlessly, because this shuffling was the only thing prevent him from getting into zugzwang. This is a very fine understanding of the game and he realized that in a second. And also realizing that taking on c5 was better than defending the attacked knight on b5 in a split second? We are adults and we see a piece attacked the first thing we think about is obsviously getting it out of danger, but a 10 years old sees the whole picture in a second? What? This kid is simply wired differently and we are all gonna watch him make history.
He has beaten Magnus, Nepo, Hikaru and Naroditski, and our boy Gotham. He's come to feast on beasts, and he's 10. Kramnik is already preparing a 500 sheet file.
22 mn for a 38 sec game
Skip to 19:25 for Levy to admit this is clickbait
Skip to 19:25 for Levy to admit this is Clickbait
This is one of the worst gotham videos I’ve watched
Muchaaaaachosss 🏆🏆🏆⭐⭐⭐🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷
Still sucking Magnus for a living 🔥
Can you review my game Levy? Please😢
Argentina papá
History repeating 😅
Kid is very good and very confident he has his own you tube channel Faustino Oro will be hearing more from this youngster for sure The Messi of Chess
Who saw this first on instagram?
Is your balding problem or phase,(we never know) over bc úr hair lookin fresh my sir
magnus needs a comeback after that one
i love the argentinian people, they are so good at everything they do.
greetings from tero cogido, argentina
Gotham I am going to assume that your mic is usb. Just quick troubleshooting for usb in general, make sure that if the mic is USB2, you plug it into a usb2 port, and same with usb3. Also, make sure the mic is plugged straight into plugs that lead directly to the motherboard, preferably the ones on the back of the computer. IDK if anyone has said any of this yet, or if you have found this info on your own, but I would hate for you to buy a new mic just for that one to do the same thing. Great content!
Everyone loves to see the Hero falls, still can't wait who will dethrone Magnus. Will it be the top 10 player as of now or maybe even young player like Faustino and the kid that is trained by Hikaru (forgot the kid's name name)?
Or maybe Levy will dethrone him. That's hilarious AF if it really does happen.
Or maybe he will not dethroned anytime soon, IDK
omg, the clicbait opportunities for this, levy was hungry for