100% Accuracy. 3100 Elo.

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%1$ Comments388

    Only few know that Levy changed the video title

    What’s the confidence Fabiano has showed in interviews I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if you had a day like what you just explain to me

    At least in the NFL the so called “tush push” (an overpowered new way of qb sneak by pushing the qb from behind) is actually trendy play nowadays.

    I’m not gonna lie thumbnails are like this or what get me clickin

    I love when levy analyses deeply because sometimes he skip analyses the opening and just analyses the peak break moment

    Fabiano had his best year ever in 2023! Best year of anyone, and a beautiful game

    Sports trends are definitely a thing. Whether it be strategies in MLB or formations in NFL.

    On the point of trendiness in other sports I can vouch for football (soccer) having trends in formations and styles of play! For instance, when Antonio Conte moved to the English Premier League he made 5 defender formations more popular and likewise when Pep Guardiola was in Spain he kick started a culture of “Tiki-Taka” where it became a trend to play with agile/technical midfielders and get quick short passing going!

    Levi is on the revenge tour to show them how much better he is at chess content. Respect the "I read all the comments" call to get ppl to post. Glad to see you killing it man, be proud as you deserve it.

    I’m really loving the historical shift in your channel. I would love to see some Soviet chess history. They were so dominate during the 20th century

    Thanks for video, the breakdown was really enjoyable.

    Boys I hit 1000 elo. Cant wait to play some more and lose it all !!

    I don’t know if I see the fads in other sports that I see in chess. The changes in sports seem to be much longer lasting. Like the emergence of the 3pt shot in basketball, the air it out style of football, etc. But chess is fascinating because of the top players trying these new things. It would be like the top guards in basketball trying a new dribble, or a SUPER popular play in football. But only for a season

    Didn't Levi already make this video previously?

    In nfl football the wildcat used to be trendy.

    Levy, this was absolutely riveting. Fantastic blend of insight and enthusiasm.

    Do you think that the best games are the games which has extremely small score increments during the middle game according to Stockfish? So maybe there is a mathematical way to identify the best games ever by finding a very smooth evaluation chart growth.

    Big fan of the recent high level game + analysis

    knight goes on vacation, never comes back

    Is it just me? Why does the green light flicker on my screen throughout this particular video?

    In basketball play styles get copied all the time (small ball warriors, super team movement,….ect)

    I love these recent videos Gotham. So cool to learn about cool history! Thanks 🙂

    About the regular changes in popular plays, it happens a lot in professional counter strike. A team develops a tactic, everyone plays it for a couple of months until everyone knows how to counter it, and the "meta" changes again

    8:00 "This move won't work unless they get brain damage or are at your elo" …. fair.

    6:50 I'm a basketball fan and plays and styles definitely get adopted all the time.

    I really appreciate this analysis. I heard Fabi comment on this game and went to watch it. I absolutely could not understand it after about an hour and I gave up. I didn’t understand the advantage or the strategy. Levon didn’t make any mistakes… it’s a crazy, brilliant novelty by Fabi that is definitely worth remembering as one of the of the best I’ve ever seen.

    Please, more videos like this. I love how you noticed the Knights were stuck in a corner for dozens of moves. Thank you.

    Ice hockey: Patrick Roy popularised butterfly goal tending style and completely changed the game from A to Z. All goaltenders had to learn it to be competitive and goal scorers had to adapt and raise the puck as scoring low was much harder. That's not a 2-3 years fad though… it just became the defacto standard.

    Certain styles do get popular – and while this word is technically an incorrect way to describe this – we say it's the "Meta" in that game. "META" stands for "Most Effective Tactic Available", but today also encompasses the most effective Strategy as well as the current popular playing style/trends amongst the professionals.

    This word is very common and well understood in esports. An interesting thing to note is that Meta is only the strongest POPULAR option or style that's available. It is not necessarily the strongest or the best or the most optimal gameplay style. In league of legends, for example, strongest tactics and/or strategies aren't used or studied in favor of comfortable unchanging traditional gameplay at the highest level – and this has caused concerns regarding the future and longevity of the game as an esport. Regardless, people may also use the word "meta" while referring to a small subsection of the ladder: "the meta in low elo is completely different than high elo" or "X is only Meta in pro-play" etc. I'm sure there's more I've missed but I hope this was helpful

    Gotham inspired me to cheat at chess with his videos. Stay awesome you legend! 👍

    Fabi looks like upgraded Gotham 😂🎉🎉

    In the NFL it’s very trendy for quarterbacks to now be able to run the ball when all receivers are blocked…

    23:13, this is not an end game. The loss of the Queens does not indicate when an end game has begun.

    Calf kick in MMA is an example of a trend in sports

    During playing with chess bot, it suddenly mentioned, "I learned that move from Gotham Insta Reel" 🤧
    Bro got famous.

    Different styles and ideas do become trendy in most sports. For example in basketball the idea of shooting and versatility became a trend after the warriors dominated with players like Steph curry and Klay Thompson while also being held together with the defensive versatility of Draymond green. Now shooting and versatility is a must for every team

    Yeah in the premier league we get top level coaches coming over all the time, most notably Antonio conte came over from Italy and brought a 3-5-2 formation that was rare in the prem. Managers usually play 4 at the back, he did 3 and the rest of the league took a while to find away around it. It became the trend at the top level of football for a while

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