1,000 vs 1,500 Chess Elo!

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%1$ Comments540

    This video is really timely bc I just broke 1300 elo and need to figure out how to withstand the elo correction and continue breaking through into more accurate instinctive chess

    These are my favorite type of Gotham videos, this, and how to win a chess

    A Vietnamese in a levy vid, nice, kinda sad he lost though, but still, nice.

    It seems like Levy has watched Breaking Bad…
    The Video before this one – "I am the Danger…Right?" – Levy
    This Video – Mentions Breaking Bad

    Love this. Learning here is the reason my chess game has improved so markedly

    At 6:09 there is a nice Ne5 that saves all and basically automatically wins

    Can i get pinned for no reason at all ♟️♟️?

    finally after 10 months of playing chess I am 900 rapid

    I'm pretty close to 1500. Playing someone around 1000 is like playing an infant, I could take multiple pieces off the board and win without any problems. I would imagine a 2000 feels the same way playing against me.

    1500 vs 2000? Hell yeah, we absolutely want that.

    1 year ago I was 750 Rapid, then, after watching a lot of Levy’s content, I changed to 600 Rapid… then 1000 a few weeks ago! 🎉🎉🎉

    Very very good video. Loved this one. Great job Levy! Hope to see more of these.

    in my opinion games above 1000 elo get boring

    Levy, I appreciate your content it is inspiring and it has helped me become a better chess player.

    The ACPL of a 1500 would be around 70 and that of a 1000 would be around 130 and that of a 1200 is around 100. An 1800 rated player is at an ACPL of around 50. The lower the ACPL the better, until it goes below 20, then it is assumed to be a robot playing or a person using Stockfish to cheat. (The best chess robots are significantly better than the best humans.)

    This might be one of the best formats I've seen, please do a series like this or two, like 1000 vs 1500 and 1500 vs 2000

    Great video this is the first in a while that helped me understand new concepts in the positions I'm playing besides them being completely entertaining so thank you

    I am new to chess really want to get in to are there apps that can use to help ?? Your videos are fantastic and learn lots from but need to practice many thanks 😊

    1500 vs 2000 would be cool. Btw, love when your mix of ridiculous and instructive videos. All of one would get boring

    было бы ещё на русском

    Cannot wait to see 1500 vs 2000! Great video Levy 🙌

    Yes please – more of this or anything really that you normally do mate

    I’m an 1100 who drinks constantly when I play. I know absolutely zero openings and will finish a game in the first 3 minutes win or lose. Would love a review. Good content.

    Thanks Levy, now the fly who interrupted Anna's game the other day has a higher ELO than me 😛

    This reminds me when I drew a 2100 and I was 900. I found a beautiful stalemate after a promotion and he/she (I was playing a lichess arena) didn't notice it because his/her time was about to finish. What a move.

    anyone please give tips for 700 -1000 elo 🙂

    It should be noted that 1000s rapid are 650 blitz… So are they reeeeeally 1000s

    "misunderestimated". Man out here inventing new words

    Levy get out of NYC because it's sinking!!!!

    Iam 1100 but every one i play play with at least 90%

    Apparently I gotta step my game up. To be fair, yes, yes I do. Still making stupid mistakes and realizing it half a second after I make the mistake. Damn you 64 squares!

    levy, in 1600 many people (my opponent) play Sicilian as black. It would be nice if you make a course to fight Sicilian as white

    that was so informing as having just reached 1500 a 1500 vs 2000 would be great

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