1,000 vs 1,500 Chess Elo!

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%1$ Comments540

    I went from 1000 to 1650 in a year. I think the gap is a lot smaller than most players think. The gap between 1600 and 2000 is way larger and would take longer to reach that level


    Appreciate this format. Thank you for the content! 1500 vs 2000 would be awesome. 🙏

    Do not resign is an extremely ridiculous advice. Why waste time?

    Hey mann i am stuck at 1650-1700 from 2 months now what do i do😢😢

    I dont watch this guy much but i gotta tell i like this one

    I request you to please not change the colour scheme for hypothetical moves. The brightness change is jarring. Love the videos and look forward to them every day and watch them from start to finish

    Loved this video, Levi; you shared some great insights. Shalom Aleichem Rabbi Leviathan!

    Yes we want 1500 vs 2000….it would be epic

    There should be a whole video around countering openings…unless it already exists

    Probably the best chess video I've ever watched not surprised it was Gotham

    8:05 when you pop your neck Levy, don't yank it quickly, I need you alive to make more chess content. Try doing it slowly.

    This kind of thumbnail is so much better than the weird face ones

    I’m a 500 elo player but I play like a 1,450 Eli player almost every game I play.

    Us 1100s don't make these mistakes 😂😂

    Levi thanks for carrying me from 800 to 1590

    They play 10-15 minute chess. But Blitz the games lol

    As a 2000 I would love to hear your take on 1500 vs 2000 thanks. ozzie1958.

    This was really instructional. I loved this comparison. Thanks so much

    Loving your Endgame course by the way!! It's evolving my game for sure.

    I'm 1250, just played a rapid game where I mouseslipped and lost my queen, then proceeded to hang my rook. Stockfish says I played like a 1250. Hurtful!

    This is so heartwarming to watch because just 3 weeks ago, i was literrally at 1000-1100, never going up for like 8-10 months and suddenly i started to win games and just finding ways to save lost positions and reached 1500 rapid and today this video comes out. Thank you Gotham for always inspiring me to play chess because I came back to chess because of you and today I am better chess player than I ever was.

    Is 1600 decent I’m not much good and can’t really practice with my friends “100” elo and “400” elo

    I loved this video great comparision another great video by the goat

    Hey Levy, thanks for returning to educational content without clickbating thumbnails or video headlines again.

    I know in the end of the day you can just do what is financially the best and keep on abusing the YouTube algorithm for clicks, but that's not what made you great in the first place. So thanks for appreciating your older fandom, keep on doing your phenomenal work! 🙂

    14:47 i am a 1550. I just watched this video and found about the best move here. I started a game against a 1600 my opponent played exd4 Qxd4 and he hung g7 and the rook thanks for the free points . Also make a 1500 vs 2000 video

    As a 977, I once trapped the queen of a 1600. I was playing unrated.

    I like how levy just summarizes how I went from 1000 to 1500 in 6 months in just a single video

    If these are above 1000 , I ( 800 ) am a GM

    I don't understand I'm a stupid woman.

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