1,000,000 ELO MARTIN CHESS BOT!!!!!

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%1$ Comments272

    Can someone explain why trading queens is better than just taking a free piece with a knight? 3:02
    It makes no sense to me

    Bro I was up in material against Martin in endgame but he mated me.

    I deadass cannot beat the martin bot. I stalemate 😭😭😭

    I love it when people brag about being humble. You could never be as humble as me in a million years.

    I’m just wondering how big the dining table has to be for Martin his wife, his 35000 kids and his descendants and for levy as well

    Guys, this video just made me realize I have depression

    Magnus won the event
    Wheres the video? He sacc’ed the rook

    27yo here, Is “you be surprised” a subtle tip of the hat? I know you keep up with the greater MMA world.


    If you know you know.

    19:05 As Levy mentioned "Rizz", the bot explained it. But Levy just quick skipped that…

    He didn't say get out of here!!?!?!? WTFH!?!?!?!

    What if martin play chess against stockfish?

    I am so mad at the 1350 bot for A misrepresenting our generation and B claiming to be that rating when I could wipe the floor with it and I'm only 950 online.

    Oh, I thought you were going to take down Future Martin! I'm not sure the world is ready for a Martin that wins.

    I didn't even know how to play chess and martin still lost against me😂 i mean the 250 elo one

    Professor Passant and Beatrice Bishop were more annoying. Anthony and Troy are nothing compared these 2 bozos.

    Levy was so desperate to hear rizz/rizzler

    I was waiting for this video ever since I saw the bot

    Dear Levy, Thank you for meeting me in person in Toronto in January 2024. It was a great event. But, just to give you an idea of how bad I am at chess: I can only beat the Martin bot about half the time.

    Maybe my problem is, although I understand the principles, my play is too impulsive. I prefer the rapid format. Maybe you could address this.

    When are the history videos coming back….also can you please cover some of the matches of magus’s first time winning chess championship and his win against fabiano during 2018 WCC

    Levy the Martin gen Martin is rated 3000

    Honestly Martin has enough clout to start his own youtube channel.

    I am completely baffled at why any of these were supposed to be a good idea. We didn't need a Trumper ai bot. We didn't need any of these… smgdh

    Martin is stream sniping 💀💀💀💀💀

    you should play against the chess ai that a person made in minecraft

    This confirms the theory that Martin is really a GM but plays against us like we are his kids, letting us win so we build confidence.

    I was rooting for ya but at least one of them said rizz😂

    Make a vid on Kramnik cheating in Title Tuesday.

    Nah bro, you didn't play with magnus laptop again there don't you? 😂😂

    Ezra just said of fnaf and markiplier meme!

    Ely be polite and meet Martin's wife over dinner . but leave yours safely at home . you can't that bot .

    Gotham needs to make Martin vs king stock now😭

    "Bringing out your bishop for the rizzler" 💀

    Bot content is the most boring thing you do, and I get that its easy, but its also lame. How about a candidates preview? Or more GLE? I know you're bored of it but we still love it. Or even review Immortal games, but I'm always disappointed when I get home from work and go to watch your video and it's just you playing a bot.

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