11 Brilliant Moves IN A ROW!!!

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%1$ Comments414

    Levy is talking about this game like it’s two gm but in reality they both probably forgot that white can take the rook lol

    Book Tour idea – beat GothamChess in bullet chess and win a free copy.

    Hey, I’m from Czech Rep. and looking forward to your book coming to market here in October:)

    where can I buy the book in czech language? also I could hep with the translation

    Bro, I really want to buy the book, but since my currency is 4.5x worse than US dollars, it may be very expensive.

    "I'm going to show you in a second" Bro, the Video has 21 minutes

    Why would you sign your book Levy Rozman instead of Gotham Chess

    bro i want you to write a book for advanced players

    As a real 900 rated player, they definitely didn't notice the bishop. That last move might've been real. But the others are just because us lower rated players aren't very good.

    Would you like to translate the book in persian though?

    They were not in a row nice clickbait 🙂

    😔 didn’t hear south africa mentioned

    Sometimes hotpockets can change lives. says:

    Both used bots to play lol

    Happy for you Levy, good luck with the book, I will surely get one.

    A brilliant move is a move that is both a sacrifice and the top computer move, at the 900 level playing 11 top computer moves is already impressive, this guy just did it while his rook was hanging

    You are the best YouTuber ever 🎉🎉🎉!!!

    h6 was not brilliant because even though it wasn't bad it wasn't the top engine move

    Levy, it would be such a pleasure to read your book in Russian. If you translate it by yourself, that would be incredible, I can't wait to buy it


    When your opponent is rated 1000 and makes 11 brilliant moves: "What am I doing with my life…"

    Et c’est un français et un algérien ma gueule incroyable

    11 brilliant moves? that rating.. help of an engine? naw… he is probably a talent player….

    Here I was happy I had a Brilliant move yesterday

    Not a 1000 rated guy at all, just had to say it loud and clear

    I'd love to translate your book to french !
    J'adorerais traduire ton livre en français !!

    i love the part where Jin said "It's brillianting time" and brillianted all over his opponent

    I would love to translate it for you into Arabic

    Can someone explain me why this were brilliant moves?? Most of them they looked like good, maybe the best, but brilliants?

    Why can't I pass 1100, well it's cause this are the people I get to face 😂

    i think that the idea of the move Bd7 9:55 is to defend the rook so that he can take the free pawn on a4

    i think the move on 8:57 is to create a battery even tho it does nothing. Cause i think the best move in the head of the 800 was Qd3 he plays Qd2 cause its "close" to it. And i talk with expirience on that one

    Are you gonna came to Rome to sign some book?haha

    Jin is 100% cheating
    Given he made the majority of his moves within 3-10 seconds and these brilliant moves are moves that I would never even consider even as a 1350 rated player, on top of the fact that it doesn't even seem like a mistake was made.
    I think this was a staged game for views too, it looks quite fake I mean they played perfect theory and the 700 elo player made just 1 inaccuracy that allowed this whole brilliant sequence to unfold.
    I guess this is good for content but this game doesn't feel real or genuine at all.

    Are you making a book for higher rated players aswell? I would love to buy it tbh!

    i just want to say that the book looks wonderfull

    Do you mind sharing the PGN for the games you post on your channel
    Thank you

    Levy’s signature be like “gerara here”😂

    This has to be called "The game of the immortal ROOK"

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