2 Knights Checkmate Trick

2 Knights Checkmate Trick

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%1$ Comments424

    Others:- oh yeah it’s a “checkmate”
    Him:- “ChEaKMatE”

    Wait you don’t need to move the closer to the rook because knight f6 is mate anyway bc the rook is pinned

    That "Checkmate" is a bit trashtalking but its the right way lmao even did it twice

    When he say not what you thinking in my head was sac the rooock

    lol, didn't you yourself say 2 knights couldn't checkmate?

    When the rook block u can checkmate with the other night too

    Two knights cannot checkmate a LONE king, unless there is a blunder made by the lone king.

    This is not a checkmate against a lone king. The pinned black rook is doing blocking for us, that the knights could not do on their own.

    That king move was what I was thinking about…

    You just said in the last video that I saw like 2 sec ago that 2 knights cannot check mate…. wtf…

    Watched this video twice just so that I could hear him say Chaekmaete

    the knight checkmate Would work without the fake brillant.

    I literally said that 2 knights can't checkmate but thus video pop on my face

    2 knights cannot checkmate 2 scrools before

    bro that checkmate was so fast i cant even see it

    The "CHecKmAyTe" sounds so enthusiastic

    I like watching this, but these are too specific position

    46 seconds in you missed a checkmate, knight f5 checkmate

    He is using a king too not just two knighta

    Isnt it the one knight to f6 for checkmate instead of the King move in the end?

    did we really need to move the king before the knight checkmate? cause the rook was pinned anyways… tsk tsk tsk

    You can’t even draw vs insufficient material because the last move before mate the rook is still on the board.

    the checkmate could have been made before taking the rook, because the b'akc rook is pinned and can't take the night

    He didn’t give us homework this time! He actually told us how to checkmate on the next move😭

    Just take the FREE knight on f5 with the ROOOK

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