2 Knights Checkmate Trick

2 Knights Checkmate Trick

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%1$ Comments424

    Two knight can check materi "proceed to user the rook to checkmate"

    "Who said two Knight's could not checkmate"
    "Absolutely Nobody"

    Nah pls just give us homework don't say CHeakmaTe

    You don't need to move the King you can just checkmate

    The glee in that CHEEYYCKMAAYTTT was too perfect

    "Who said two knights cannot checkmate in chess?" The rook: Bitch what am I, a roach?

    Are you from France because I recognise a little french accent in your voice

    This is that one missed win stockfish was talking about

    I think he will sacrifices, "ZAAA RROOOOOCCCCKKK!!!"

    Instruction unclear, I checked and mated my gf

    No one said two knights can't checkmate in chess

    Two knights alone vs king usually cannot checkmate (unless the opponent blunders it). However, if the opponent hasn't traded down yet (like in this position), then White 9 times out of 10 can win. Usually this statement "two knights can't checkmate" means one side only has two knights (and their king of course) with the other side only having a king. Of course only saying "two knights…" isn't specific enough, so it can be interpreted differently.

    The way he says checkmate makes me want to commit arson

    When they moved the king they could have moved the k ought for a faster checkmate

    How did u miss mate in 1 it was mate before the rook sac cause the rook was pinned

    You had checkmate with knight when you pinned the the black rock

    That Chekmate will be 3rd most iconic chess line after “The Roooook” and “You have to know this”

    Ain't no way my 500 elo ass found that king move and mate 😌

    Bro started a new era of chess meme "cHeAkMeyT"

    I am 600 hundred elo and I saw that move ,holy shit I am next hikaru you better watch out levy rozman

    Knights are very powerful since unlike other pieces they have unusual movement, leading to moments like this. I really enjoy seeing these moments where a knight promotion is a quality move

    I finally found the correct answer before he says it 😭

    Y͛o͛u͛r͛ v͛o͛i͛c͛e͛ i͛s͛ a͛m͛a͛z͛i͛n͛g͛, a͛n͛d͛ y͛o͛u͛r͛ v͛i͛d͛e͛o͛s͛ a͛r͛e͛ s͛o͛ e͛d͛u͛c͛a͛t͛i͛o͛n͛a͛l͛, t͛h͛a͛n͛k͛s͛ b͛r͛o͛!

    Wouldn't that be a stalemate? The king has no more legal moves, but isn't checked. Right?

    Bro was mashing his right click at the last part💀💀💀

    Cant u checkmate one move priorwith the knight

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