2 Knights Checkmate Trick

2 Knights Checkmate Trick

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%1$ Comments424

    Dude checkmating without any piece only 2 knights is possible bruh

    In the starter move the rook to kill the horse

    Wouldnt it also work to go knight f6 instead of king g7 because it forces the king away from the rook

    you literally told me that you cant checkmate with 2 knights

    I love your voice. Whenever you say checkmate it sounds really good

    I like it when you say checkmate

    i love how he says checkmate. Absolutely love it.

    y can I find the brilliant moves in these videos but not in an actual game 💀

    Why do you say checkmate like that 😭

    Checkmateee HAHAHAHA

    Because of that i will subbbbb!

    Before moving king u can checkmate with knight

    Man gets more brilliants in a single game than me in my entire life

    I love these videos, especially how you say, “rook.” Please tell me what is this accent!

    2 knights can only checkmate if the opponent has another piece

    The Unstoppable Force (THE ROOOK)
    vs Immovable Object (ChaEkMaAEt)

    Dude you said 2 knights can’t checkmate 😂

    “ChEckMatE” and “THE ROOK!” Are some of the most iconic things ever said.

    Bruh its wrong why Rook can't captire the checking knight

    Bro how the fuck did I see that brilliant move but not in my own games

    The way you say cHeCkMEyYtE kills me

    Fun fact: u said two knights cannot checkmate in one of ur videos

    the way he says checkmate is way too funny😂😂

    I will say checkmate the same way Chessscape say it from now on

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