3 Year Old Chess Prodigy Is Absolutely INSANE
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That screenpicture with "Baby" is the best one on Youtube yet.
I heard a rumour that one of the soldiers saw a 8 yr old KiD with a Chess Piece inside the Bakhmut region
lebron the football prodigy
im 9 year old not eighteen
I literally started to learn how to move chess pieces at the age of 9
reincarnation of mikhail tal
Леви, опоздал немного (на 7 лет) с этим
Is it possible this is a case of Fabry disease, a genetic disorder that makes victims appear much younger than they actually are? It occurred to me because there's a mature intelligence in this kid's eyes that is beyond that of a child of 3. Also, a 3 year old has the attention span of a hummingbird. This one demonstrates a much greater ability to stay focused.
me who cant find check mate in 1
"two sets of his legs couldnt touch the floor" … *looks at the host feets dangling above the floor"
Bro thinks he’s Gotham chess 💀💀💀
Gotham chess: learns to move chess pieces correctly at the age of 6
Me who learnt it at the age of 5: Pathetic
how old is he now
Bro I was playing chess with my dog and ngl he was kinda better
I feel bad for him, he’s probably gonna give up chess, have anxiety and get bullied in the future.
didn't know Lebron James was a football player 17:00
didn't know Lebron James was a football player 17:05
I was interest club when I was small and I was awful but somehow when I went to a competition I found someone worse
So where's this kid now? If he continued to pursue chess he would easily become a GM before the age of 10 lol
he's around 10 now with a rating of ~1100
Me being 13 yrs but making an account saying i am 20yrs old💀
7:21, you can be sure we do.
You should definitely do an analysis on Code Geass chess
How he snuck in everyone needs a D
When I was 3 years old, I didn’t even know what checkmate means, I thought if you just give a check to someone it’s checkmate.
I read he was carved into chess pieces
Lebron James is, in fact, the greatest pitcher to ever play football.
im 2 and i solved them
If i had a nikkel for each time Levi says its copyrighted in this video , i would have around 10 , which is not much but still weird
Nobody talkin about him confusing lebron james with football
It is said Russian children are baptized in a barrel of liquid chess. Yes the Russians have liquidized chess
Imma make my child a day one grandmaster straight out the womb
15:21 not sure why I'm happy I solved it because a THREE YEAR OLD probably solved it faster than I did!
Watching that makes me to appreciate that I played versus Karpov even more! I wasn't not 3 y.o. but I was holding enough too!
Actually did not expect this video from Levy. I was a huge meme some time ago..
Lebron james dont play football
Haven't watched the video yet but I did see the video of the little guy playing Karpov a few years ago and wondered how good he is now. I guess this vid will answer it
Why do I hear s boss music?
7:22 ayo 😂
7:22 "Everybody needs some D"
-Levy Rozman 2023
I mean he's russian like wdum? Like Asians with math, they have alien abilities of chess
Why do I hear boss music ?
12:46 that's not how bishops move
queen's gambit gonna go out of business
he s 1100 at 10 now
Just in case any pet food retailers missed it, Levi is willing to run an ad for you for just 15 million dollars
Funny how he declined a draw
levy really made a slideshow out of a YouTube video!!! LMFAOOOO!!!!
7:22 Hold up Levy we're not just going to speed past that
Me feeling proud i solved a m3, nh6, qh8, nf5#, im comfortably 1000+ rated and this kid played a world champ and can at the very least solve these levels of puzzled that is amazing