30 BISHOPS vs 30 KNIGHTS | Chess Memes #12

30 BISHOPS vs 30 KNIGHTS | Chess Memes #12
END THIS DEBATE!! WHO IS BETTER???? The following game contains funny blunders and a brilliant move!


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This channel is inspired by my favorite youtuber Top Chess I love making video about chess and memes. I make commentary for funny chess games, with blunders, brilliant moves and checkmates.

%1$ Comments302

    Hey bozo piece there is a thing as of a triple fork

    The way that knight made that mistake was hilarious

    The knight had a royale fork after taking the queen he also can fork both the rook

    Couldn't watch till the end cause the movement made me dizzy.

    Error, there is no checkmate. The King could just move to the left and avoid the check, then the game would go on. This is what we call, a forfeit.

    copyed from top chess XD

    im not following you
    Also u repeated too much lines XD
    that makes the video boring

    When I watch this channel chess becomes more interesting

    Sorry chess king first normal game white king cant checkmate the black king because black king can go to the A8 cordinate but if the have H1 cordinate bishop yes you are true.Its checkmate

    This is objectively the best way to learn to play chess.

    Bishop:tasty knight:alright that’s a fair trade
    Bishop:tasty knight:alright that’s a fair trade
    Bishop:tasty knight:alright that’s a fair trade

    I love thé accents of the bishop

    Your video is very funny, thank you for making them for us

    More like 30 knights vs 30 FRENCH MADNESSES

    The video was so funny I just cried with laughter, it was just incredibly funny 🤪🤪

    I know one l . Raion bad at the game so bad that why u mama died 😂

    Knight and zesty pawn is my favorite

    The sound of the middle of the video is SUS song

    Dude at minute 6:57 it says its checkmate but he can move to Ka8

    Fork dork smork Clork?…. ok That’s kinda intertwining to hear

    There are 24 bishops and there are also 24 knights

    Your friendly neighborhood, Ohio man says:

    W fork dork smork Clork

    remember kids you gotta fork dork clork smork

    Fork dork smork clock 🎉🎉❤😂🎉😅😂😢😢😢😢

    you can't protect the king the queen be stupid


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