347,995 Players Fell For This Trap 😮

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1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. Ng5 d5 5. exd5 Nxd5 (5… Nd4 6. d6 (6. c3 b5
7. cxd4 (7. Bb3) 7… bxc4 8. dxe5 Qxd5 9. exf6 Qxg5 10. fxg7 Bxg7 11. O-O Bb7
12. g3 (12. f3 Bd4+ 13. Kh1 Rg8 14. g3 (14. Qe2+ Kd7) 14… O-O-O) 12… O-O-O)
6… Qxd6 7. Bxf7+ (7. Nxf7 Qc6 8. Nxh8 Qxg2 9. Rf1 Qe4+ 10. Be2 (10. Qe2 Nxe2)
10… Nf3#) 7… Ke7 8. Bb3 (8. O-O h6 9. Nf3 Kxf7) 8… Nxb3 9. axb3 h6 10. Nf3
e4 11. Qe2 Kf7 12. Nh4 (12. Ng1 Bg4 13. f3 exf3 14. Nxf3 Re8) 12… g5) (5…
Na5) 6. Nxf7 Kxf7 7. Qf3+ Ke6 *

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%1$ Comments611

    For once I beat my AI opponent at lowest level… math is easy for me but I have terrible spatial IQ and have to memorize the countermoves.

    As a 600, thanks for teaching me a new trick to use as white!

    What if our opponent take bishop to d5 instead of pawn

    What if white moves the bishop back to where it was on C4 instead of all the way back to B3? Any tricks there, or just attack with queen and then add a pawn to the attack when they defend?

    Nelson you are teaching the nubs i crush how to defend 😢

    i remember i played this the fried liver the first time and it worked. showed a video to my dad. he goes "good. but now study the Traxler counter. if you run across someone that knows that, you're screwed."
    i said "ok. ill look it up some other time." found a quick vid, but didnt actually learn it.
    i queued up for another game. i start with the fried liver and the guy went straight for the traxler which i instantly recognized. i knew i was done for but i decided to play it out just to see. i got destroyed lol

    Great video. Good pace, well organized, no extra dialogue, no gimmicks, just clear informative chess instruction. YouTube needs more people like you.

    I always play my night to B5 against the fried liver. They don't play the correct moves and I still end up losing in bullet

    fried liver attack?? looool who comes up with these names

    Brilliant video thank you 🙏

    5. …, Nd4, 6. c3 b5, 7. Bf1 Nxd5, 8. cxd4, Qxg5, 9. Bxb5+ Kd8 10. 0-0, I still rather play the white pieces tbh

    me watching this as a guy who just started playing like a week ago and only ranked 280 lol
    ***hmmm verrry interesting…. i think im still gonna move my knight to a6 though cuz he looks cute there…***

    Hi , can I ask what to do , if in 2:03 my opponent kicks my knight with a pawn ? Please help what to next in this situtacion..

    A lot of fun for white, not alot for black😂😂😂 i can't

    Incredible tactics. Controlling the entire board!

    Just after seeing this video, i played a blitz game where my opponent played the exact opening and i got the smotherd mate for the first time its a godly feeling😈

    When I try it they easily block it, messed up as black the other day

    I don't understand the bishops movement @ 03:25 why b3 and not c4? @ 06:54 why not b5 and check instead of getting the knight?

    nooo shut up this is the only opening I learned as white 😂😂😂

    Me and my friend ended up with the same smothered check

    what if white does this move not with e3 but d4? It is all swapped 😀

    Wrong teaching. What if the Bishop back to same square. C4? Why you let the Bishop captured by the knight ?😅😅😅

    Нихрена не понятно, что говорит.

    I love this opening and playing both sides because there are so many ways to play it.

    I prefer the surprise move for black 5…b5!! White usually doesn't know how to react, so a little bit a prep by black can get a quick advantage.

    ..OALAAAAHH, MAAF SAYA LANGSUNG SAZA; BLJAR BHS.INGGRIS SDKIIT DALEM LAGI mMinAdminn panic bukan kataKerja (Verb) Don't be panic yg wOkeh, wOkey yhoo??!!!!!

    I was expecting this to be a traxler video lol

    You did a great mistake. See at time 2.10 minutes . you put knight instead of white bishap of white

    this literally just happened to me today and i fell for it. thankyou youtube recommendations

    I confirm that one of these 347995 people is real. 👉🙋‍♂️

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