347,995 Players Fell For This Trap 😮

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1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. Ng5 d5 5. exd5 Nxd5 (5… Nd4 6. d6 (6. c3 b5
7. cxd4 (7. Bb3) 7… bxc4 8. dxe5 Qxd5 9. exf6 Qxg5 10. fxg7 Bxg7 11. O-O Bb7
12. g3 (12. f3 Bd4+ 13. Kh1 Rg8 14. g3 (14. Qe2+ Kd7) 14… O-O-O) 12… O-O-O)
6… Qxd6 7. Bxf7+ (7. Nxf7 Qc6 8. Nxh8 Qxg2 9. Rf1 Qe4+ 10. Be2 (10. Qe2 Nxe2)
10… Nf3#) 7… Ke7 8. Bb3 (8. O-O h6 9. Nf3 Kxf7) 8… Nxb3 9. axb3 h6 10. Nf3
e4 11. Qe2 Kf7 12. Nh4 (12. Ng1 Bg4 13. f3 exf3 14. Nxf3 Re8) 12… g5) (5…
Na5) 6. Nxf7 Kxf7 7. Qf3+ Ke6 *

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%1$ Comments611

    It's like the Blackburne Shilling Gambit 😅

    Thank you so much I always hated this liver fired now finally I can take on all this liver fried people

    4:56 After you move the queen to c6, what if the night hits back the pawn located on e5?

    Lmao i saw the video, the very next game play with black against the fried liver, with a 10|5 time control, I win with 10:30 on the clock with the smothered mate

    i literally had a game just like this after seeing this lesson and i won in 10 moves thanks

    Hello Everyone I'm here to remind you that God loves you and it is written in John 3:16 which states that "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that who shall ever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life" Jesus died for our sins and He wants you to accept that free gift,He saved you because he doesn't want you to go to hell because of our sins and he is the only way through Heaven." I am the Way,The Truth, And the life and no one comes to my Father in heaven except through me John 14:6" Accept him for tomorrow is not promised.

    Cuz you have to know this, here's the moves it starts with…

    nooooo now more people will know of this 🙁

    Im considered under 1000 and I can assure you, we attack rather than defend 😂

    I always combine Fried Liver attack with pawn gambit in d4… if black accept the gambit, your move of the black Queen is not anymore possible

    Literally solved issue to increase elo. I keep on losing to this trap even though I know some counter attack but would land in trouble situation.

    I have faced this opening a lot as a six hundred and now I can punish it.

    I’m always on the hunt, for great chess videos, with full explanations. But I’ve never come across, a chess channel, that gives such an easy, and great explanation, from both sides, easy to understand, no stupid, long winded explanations. You sir, keep it so simple, and frankly, the best chess channel, I’ve ever come across.
    Keep up the great work.

    Really disorienting when you flip the board. Personally would prefer you just describe both perspectives leaving the board one way.

    Why wouldn't they move bishop c4 after pawn h6

    Im 860 and i usually pur my knight to d5

    This is hilarious I watched this video and then won using this strategy in this exact scenario in my 2nd game

    I watched this and literally the next game I played had this exact scenario play out and my opponent resigned before mate😂😂

    so this is like the blackburne shilling but in a different way… damn

    I saw this video, tried to do it (I'm 1000-1100 Blitz elo) but it never really went all the way… UNTIL NOW! Just played an ordinary blitz game and the trap went perfect!!!
    With a slight blunder from the opponent:
    1) e4 e5
    2) Nf3 Nc6
    3) Bc4 Nf6
    4) Nc5 d5
    5) exd5 Nd4
    6) d6 Qxd6
    7) Nxf7 Qc6
    8) b3 Qxg2
    9) Rf1 Qe4+
    10) Be2 Nf3#

    Thank you!! This feels so satisfying

    The first one has a lot of similarities with the blackburn-shilling

    Thanks now the fried liver attack is useless because everyone i will use it on will punish me thank you

    I play this opening for literally all my matches 😂

    Bro put a such a specific number in the title damnn

    I usually played fried liver attack, amd it was kinda good

    I've seen this trap before but not used it. When people play the Italian I tend to go for g5 instead of Ng6 (I don't think the computer likes it very much although I can't fully understand why)

    But what if white goes for Queen check from a4 before you castle?

    This was a beneficial video until they started playing a4 queen check at 7:00, then taking on c4, pushing their pawn, and threatening checkmate. I didn't know what to do.

    6:49 So I will admit I am rated a bit higher than he was aiming the video at, but here if I am white, I would not take the knight, I would take the pawn you just moved and get check, it is a stronger move.

    Here's a problem – the fried liver is set up, black has moved d5, white exd5, black Nd4. You say to expect white d6, but if white attacks black's knight with c3, black is on the run.

    After 6. … b5, I thought the normal line is 7. Bf1. And now white gets more of a chance to develop his pieces. That's why I normally play 5. … Na5.

    This remembers me… YOU HAVE TO KNOW THIS

    I'm 541 and I have seen people use this. Although I notice this before they can actually implement it. But thanks I am gonna use the trap you suggest.

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