347,995 Players Fell For This Trap 😮

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1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. Ng5 d5 5. exd5 Nxd5 (5… Nd4 6. d6 (6. c3 b5
7. cxd4 (7. Bb3) 7… bxc4 8. dxe5 Qxd5 9. exf6 Qxg5 10. fxg7 Bxg7 11. O-O Bb7
12. g3 (12. f3 Bd4+ 13. Kh1 Rg8 14. g3 (14. Qe2+ Kd7) 14… O-O-O) 12… O-O-O)
6… Qxd6 7. Bxf7+ (7. Nxf7 Qc6 8. Nxh8 Qxg2 9. Rf1 Qe4+ 10. Be2 (10. Qe2 Nxe2)
10… Nf3#) 7… Ke7 8. Bb3 (8. O-O h6 9. Nf3 Kxf7) 8… Nxb3 9. axb3 h6 10. Nf3
e4 11. Qe2 Kf7 12. Nh4 (12. Ng1 Bg4 13. f3 exf3 14. Nxf3 Re8) 12… g5) (5…
Na5) 6. Nxf7 Kxf7 7. Qf3+ Ke6 *

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%1$ Comments611

    I m 800 and this happens every game most of the time i myself do this

    I am 960 elo.. But i like this trap from very early… 😁😁😁

    My trap in response to this is : I play the french defense so they can't play it.

    This won't work at a higher level, 6:51 because white will know the theoretically recommended 7. Bf1, and while black still has play, it's not very good for him.

    At 6:50 what if white Bishop attack black pawn.
    Your study is not complete

    0:45 "You have 2 main options: Nf6 and Bc5."
    Me, who plays Nd4…

    bro overcomplicated the blackmar diemer trap

    Lot to learn from your study. Is this study available on lichess to clone? Could you please post the study link?

    3:25 Why is b3 the only safe square for the bishop? What's wrong with c4?

    This is like the same thing as the blackburne shilling gambit go check it out, and Nelson can u make a video about it ?

    black shilling gambit: and I took that personally

    I like this one but I think I prefer the traxler

    This is my favorite trap. I've done it dozens of times and it never fails to make me laugh.

    Even if they don't give you the checkmate the number of queens I've taken is great.

    Edit: Also, you forgot to mention the line where they defend the bishop instead of taking your rook and you take their queen.

    The line at 6:52 is not a good line. White has more options and does not have to take the knight on d4 straight away. That's actually a weaker move.

    5:24, I’m confused. You said we are attack the room with a check, but I don’t see the check

    Heres a tip for 400-800ish. after ng5 play bc5 and after they play nxf7 play bxf2 after kxf2 play nxc4+ and no matter what they do play qf6(+) most of the time people will stumble intl mate in one on either g8 or c8.

    You have to know this here's the moves it starts with they don't know they just see this slide the queen and bait it they're gonna take it blunder big mistake resign now they can't save it take the piece and checkm if they offer the queen letm set it up again if you getm and let them know who sent it. You know the bobby go show?

    I play the fried liver a lot and if i ever see a knight in d4 i just instantly castle. I dont push the pawn or attack the knight because km very aware of those stuff

    Im 1200 and i never see the fries liver, maybe because i usualy play kings indian and i castle in move 4/5

    It is Italian Game: Two Knights Defense, Fritz Variation and even in the main line there are plenty of flaws:

    1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. Ng5 d5 5. exd5 Nd4 6. c3 b5 7. Bf1 Nxd5 8. cxd4 Qxg5 9. Bxb5+ Kd8 10. O-O Bb7 11. Qf3 Rb8 12. dxe5 Nf4 13. Qg3 Qxe5 14. d4 Qxb5 15. Bxf4 Qd7 16. Nc3 f6 17. Rfe1 g5 18. Bxc7+ Qxc7 19. Re8+ Kd7 20. Qxc7+ Kxc7 21. Nb5+ Kb6 22. Rxb8 Bg7 23. Rxh8 Bxh8 24. Nd6

    1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. Ng5 d5 5. exd5 Nd4 6. d6 Qxd6 7. d3 Qc6 8. O-O Be6 9. Nd2 Bxc4 10. Nxc4 h6 11. Nxf7 Rg8 12. c3 Ne6 13. Ncxe5 Qa6 14. Qf3

    this variation is not really working

    Hahahahaha now i will get revenge for all the times i got defeated by the fried liver

    This was my go-to move ever since the day I first lost to that move. It’s nice learning more about this tactic through video.

    Also at 7:16, I’ve always been most concerned about white castling instead of taking the knight.

    Giving one of my treasured secrets away!

    This line is the Fritz defense BTW.

    If someone under 1600 plays Bc1 in response to b5 without a long think you can bail and report them for cheating. It's one of those cases where the computer top move isn't even in the top 10 moves among humans.

    That's very cool! Love it. The PGN as well is super helpful, hopefully you continue to share them all the time 😀

    This is worst than falling for a trap 😮

    I play the fried liver with white and I know my theory.
    I haven’t looked at this in a while but I’m pretty sure at 6:52 the move for white is bishop back to f1.
    This is also a move in another b5 line.

    The knight takes pawn trap is like the Blackburn gambit

    Chessnetwork showed this over 10 years ago i think

    Nice click bait putting a question mark on the move 4.Ng5.

    I usually just play the Traxler against the fried liver. But I really suck and I don’t see it that much.

    5:27 where is the check? I'm bad with positions but I don't see any checks

    so nobody will question where he finds the 300 thousands ish number from?

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