4 Levels of INTERFERENCE (Chess Tactic)



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    Last lvl3:

    Black could take the knight with their queen. We would take the queen but wouldnt have checkmate (at least not that fast). Is that correct or did i miss something?

    just crossed 1000 elo with the help of your videos.thank you nelson.

    @9:57 The knight also has the feature of preventing the king's effective approach to the pawn.

    Last one after Re7, why can’t black go d4 ready to take the bishop with check and follow counterattacks from there? If king moves, push again to threaten the queen check, etc.

    I missed the second last one and nothing else

    the first “advanced” one was like “ultra-beginner”

    Of all the tactics, this is definitely the one I use least as a 1300.

    Why did the lvl 2 puzzles seem harder than the others? Is it just me?

    I kindly inform you that the username49964114 account has been closed 2024.08.07 due to violating the Fair Play Policy. Your game you have lost is from 2024.06.27

    in the second master level puzzle, doesn't white get a scewer on the rooks in the end? Or is that not a problem because of Rc1, trading the knight for a rook and still being up a minor piece?

    Enjoyed this, thank you. It wouldn't hurt, on some of the less obvious boards, to give a clear indication of which direction the pawns can move. On some I wasn't sure whether a pawn was on its starting position or about to queen.

    Interesting Gotham chess just has a click bait video about new move which was a fancy version of interference

    I have been trying to use this. At this point, if I see a strong combo attacking, I try to move a piece in between to break them up. E.g.,. If a queen is supporting as piece, I try to break the support so I can just capture the other piece or negate its threat. Now, on with the video to hopefully learn how to do it even better.

    I swear to god, I get done watching you and go destroy players, usually scoring high 80's low 90's in accuracy and by the 4th game Im back to 42 percent accuracy getting my azz handed to me. Then come back and watch some vids….rinse repeat…so I know you have the winning formula for me. I just need to sustain it. Swear to god it looks like I cheat or something.

    What happened to chess adventures series? Last ep was over 3 months ago I think… 🙁

    I've always struggled to understand this concept in chess. I think this video has helped me fill in the gaps. Thanks again, Nelson!

    In the last puzzle after rook blocks Queen can't black just go Kh8 and when you play Qh6 they can go Rg8?

    Great video, most of the puzzles have been very easy for me (except for 2.1 which is missed), but I didn't know this kind of tactic before, so I'll definetly scan for it in my next games. Thank you ❤

    8:20 Advanced? Really? A rank beginner could see that move blindfolded and drunk.

    In the last puzzle, after the rook goes to the interference position, couldn’t black play Kh8, and be able to defend g7 with a rook before the white queen gets in there to checkmate?

    Another great video, Nelson. You speak to the “common man.” I thank you.

    Such a great video once again!
    Also your t-shirts are the best!! My chesskids at the elementary school where I used to be the chess coach (handed it off to a professional chess coach!) loved the values of the chess pieces and the develop, castle, attack! T-shirts I bought for them!!!

    In advanced first puzzle, how is that even possible? If Qa1 to Qa2 the king was already checkmated, with the Q on a1 neither the bishops not the queen could have moved since they'd have been pinned. or am I reading the board wrong?

    One day I will definitely take the course you mentioned. I am 1100 now, and middle game tactics is definitely the weakest part of my game.
    You are a great teacher, I learnt a lot and improved my understanding of the game just by watching your videos

    on master level you didnt mention if Q takes rook

    These Tactics videos really help me when I feel I've hit a slump in my playing. Thank, Nelson!

    This was such a good video. Interference tactics feel SOOOO good when played

    An out-of-this-world interference – watch?v=YhjmNCXULbE&t=991s

    I solved everything myself although I am a chess beginner but puzzle chess master

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